Nathan Smith's HoS application
Usual character name: Nathan Smith
BYOND username: Goober_1ne
Discord username (if you are on our discord): goober_one

Recommended by: Nobody
Goon servers you play: Goon 4, 3 very rarely

Reason for application: I have always looked up to the HoS role as an upholder of law and sense, and have always seen it as an honorable role. I have aspired for long to apply for HoS, and I believe now is the time. I'd like to help lead in times of crisis and calm both- hold up law, sense, and cause an enjoyable round for all. As such, that is why I look to apply.

Security Experience: I first started playing security a good 3-4 months ago after mostly playing bartending and science. I got the taste of my first law-upholding as a security assistant- fell in love with the role, and eventually moved onto playing as a security officer. I've always made mistakes- I'm not going to lie about that! Everyone does, but it's part of learning. I've enjoyed many a round with many giving me advice and ways to do things better- always learning. I've never been particularly robust, but again- you've gotta learn. I have much understanding around the Security Computers, as I know how to change records, look up fingerprint strings, and all that fun stuff. I always try to be fair in my sentences, asking the team about recommended sentences and informing of arrests, record changes, and other important information. Considering my experience with threats- I can deal with anything from emagged beepskies to even some traitors. 
Experience considering Spies and Traitors: I may not be able to easily take one in a 1 on 1 fight, but considering my ambush oriented approaches and guerilla warfare like tactics I may be able to outsmart them at times. I always use forensics to confirm what we're up against, and use the cameras to observe what equipment they may have, and altering my tactics depending on their equipment and how they move. I will also tend to attempt to resolve things peacefully if possible.
Experience concerning Vampires, Changelings and misc: I can certainly be outclassed by these depending on their experience. I'd always move in with teams when dealing with these, sending out public PSAs telling people to travel in groups, have anti-toxins for Changeling Threats, and to be generally vigilant. I'll try to be lenient to start but if they start showing to be a threat, I will indeed engage if required. I will usually try to resolve things peacefully when possible. When dealing with a hostile that will not surrender- course of procedure is to engage, stun, imprison. For repeat offenses of course it escalates.
Experience concerning Nuclear Emergency: I've had very little experience, as it's essentially chained to Goon 1 for now. However, I have dealt with some. The solution as I usually use is once again, guerilla warfare. Outclassed, you may think outside the box to gain the upper hand.

Advice for New Security Officers
One thing I will say is to ALWAYS ask for help if you need it. There's no reason to feel bad about it. Everyone may lose the upper hand or might just not know something. Security is strong together- weak apart. You need to have more teamwork intertwined with your fellow friends and officers.
Another advice piece that I have is to be creative with your punishments, tactics, and methods of communication. Maybe someone's slick and has gotten into your channel. No need to fret- maybe use PDA communication, or multi-frequency headsets. Maybe someone's expecting guerilla warfare- face them head on where they aren't prepared! Run new gimmicks- get yourself more fun! Try to enjoy security. And never overwork yourself- you aren't being forced into this!

Game improvements that could help security feel more fun:
I'd love to see a customizable loadout feature, for example: maybe you want to run a medic with a breaching shotgun! Feel free- you've just got door breaching shells and a medkit. Maybe you want a taser pistol with an RCD: now you've got a combat engineer! Maybe you want heavier armor. Go ahead and select that! I'd love to see you maybe obtain more loadout credits or whatever may be needed for completing tasks that may help the crew, like helping defuse situations.

Playstyle differences when in a full team or alone:
As a single security officer, my general goal is to always defuse situations if possible. I would most likely be outgunned, outclassed, and generally less robust- but defusal may save the situation. In teams, I still always defuse when possible, but I am much more comfortable using force if need be. I'm also quite communicative with the crew and my team when alone or not. If there are more robust officers than me around, sometimes I like to be just a general help- maybe I'll scoop up a medkit from the bay and some heavier armor from the bomb-disposal crate. Now I've got heavier armor to deal with kinetic threats and a medkit to help my team. I'm also a rather good intelligence gatherer when need be, being able to go undercover if needed.

PREVIOUS BANS: 2, 1 that I requested as I broke a minor rule. Multiple adminhelps and warnings surrounding minor issues. 

Thanks for reading- feel absolutely free to drop any feedback. Any and all feedback will be appreciated- I can shape my further experience around this and become a model security officer that I've always wanted to be.

I should also note that I do sometimes self-promote, subconciously- I try to keep myself from making mistakes like that but sometimes I can't suppress it correctly- thanks for understanding!
I forgot something! Nathan's only been brought out of the locker recently. Leaps over Fire was my main character for the longest time- so Leaps over Fire is certainly more experienced technically! D:

I've also got a bunch of anxiety around the whole "oh god nobody's seen me in action because goon 4 is too lowly populated" situation...
Sorry, but I just can't say 'Yeah, this is fine' here. I really do not think you have the needed experience or the general attitude concerning stuff like equipment a HoS should have. My most recent interaction with you was attempting to Packet Hack into the HoS' Locker as a non-antag Security Officer, this is very concerning to see! You were talked out of it doing so but then you brigged yourself? Which I don't really get either. I worry what you'd do with free reign over the Armoury in regards to dealing with antags or handling things which don't go your way with maturity. Your game experience section also feels a little unclear as I'm failing to understand what you mean by 'guerrilla tactics'. No from me.
Aye, thanks for the stuff. I don't think I'm ready for it yet, considering how I've acted.

Can I uhm- close this by any chance...? I'm not a good applicant, and I'd rather not clutter any good applications

I... okay, I'm going to be honest here. I think I'm going to take a good long break from the game, thinking back on what I've done. I need time. I'm not fit for the job- and I'd like to make this very clear
(01-25-2024, 02:56 AM)goober_one Wrote: Aye, thanks for the stuff. I don't think I'm ready for it yet, considering how I've acted.

Can I uhm- close this by any chance...? I'm not a good applicant, and I'd rather not clutter any good applications

I... okay, I'm going to be honest here. I think I'm going to take a good long break from the game, thinking back on what I've done. I need time. I'm not fit for the job- and I'd like to make this very clear

Try not to let this all get to you boss, remember this security application is for the farting space man game lol. You're still very much a valued player and nobody wants you to leave, you just have some habits you can improve on. You don't need HoS to be a good influence on either security in-game or the community out-of-game. Not trying to make you stay, just a reminder to don't let this app demoralize you or convince you you're bad at security. You can and will still improve as an officer if you take criticism to heart. Powergaming is as simple to fix as just not going for more gear than you need
People make mistakes. Feedback helps us grow. While I cannot say yes right now, you just need time to grow.

Wish you the best♡
Hey dont let the feedbacks push you down. No one started already knowing how to play, and on the end of the day, its just a silly 2d space game we all like. Youre very new, at least on security department, and tbf powergaming is an issue, but theres far more experienced people that still do that, so dont go that hard on yourself. We all have our mistakes and fuckedups, its part of the learning curve of both playing the game and participating on the communities that form around it. Keep on the good work, learn what you can, and you surely get The Cool Beret in no time! Dont rush it, enjoy the time you have here, and most certainly dont make it a goal of sorts because thats just another job on station after all, and not reaching it will then be upsetting.
Just a quick note on the guerrilla warfare bit you wrote there, while it can be a fun gimmick, i dont see how it fits the security department narrative, as they are usually there to respond to issues that show up, and help to balance/improve the balance on crew """vs""" antags (with a bunch of " because the antagonists arent always something you have to face and combat until they are gone), and not to prepare to ambush an antagonist and strike them in a way they cant even respond (at least what i understood on the guerrilla thing). When you "lose" as security, you create a whole new scenario for both the crew and the antagonists. Dying can be fun! This is usually not a game about winning, but on writting a cool story that round, and collecting fun moments with cool people (even if things dont work everytime), and the HoS is one element that can make something really fun for both the antags and the crew, or shut everything immediately with full force, making the rest of the round go cold.
(01-25-2024, 12:36 PM)GuiHppn Wrote: Hey dont let the feedbacks push you down. No one started already knowing how to play, and on the end of the day, its just a silly 2d space game we all like. Youre very new, at least on security department, and tbf powergaming is an issue, but theres far more experienced people that still do that, so dont go that hard on yourself. We all have our mistakes and fuckedups, its part of the learning curve of both playing the game and participating on the communities that form around it. Keep on the good work, learn what you can, and you surely get The Cool Beret in no time! Dont rush it, enjoy the time you have here, and most certainly dont make it a goal of sorts because thats just another job on station after all, and not reaching it will then be upsetting.
Just a quick note on the guerrilla warfare bit you wrote there, while it can be a fun gimmick, i dont see how it fits the security department narrative, as they are usually there to respond to issues that show up, and help to balance/improve the balance on crew """vs""" antags (with a bunch of " because the antagonists arent always something you have to face and combat until they are gone), and not to prepare to ambush an antagonist and strike them in a way they cant even respond (at least what i understood on the guerrilla thing). When you "lose" as security, you create a whole new scenario for both the crew and the antagonists. Dying can be fun! This is usually not a game about winning, but on writting a cool story that round, and collecting fun moments with cool people (even if things dont work everytime), and the HoS is one element that can make something really fun for both the antags and the crew, or shut everything immediately with full force, making the rest of the round go cold.

Aye, I agree there. Losing is definitely part of it, I just like to use unconventional ambushes when possible. It can either fail horribly or not, but I do love me a good skirmish every now and then. Causes a lot more interaction between antags and everything. I'll take it in mind. I do like to also just spook them and talk it out, that's a fun gimmick for me to do. I'm just like "Hello yes, can you please stop attacking us...?" after jumping out of a locker, haha. 👍
Just chiming in here to mention that while you do need more experience and perhaps a change in attitude, do not let your early setbacks or questionable decisions in a few games get to your head. Back when I first started 2 years ago or so I was yelled at by an admin for busting up Securitrons as a non-antag, simply not knowing that wasn't okay to do. Everyone makes mistakes, the important part is to learn from them.
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to a lack of positive feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be April 10, 2024. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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