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"Ghost Radio"
When someone dies... they become a ghost player and basically can only communicate with the living by either hoping a player became Zoldorf and has enough points to Seance. (I still think we need more ways for Zoldorf players to get points then just allow more players to become Zoldorf, maybe a rework for them?)


Click spam a Ouija board to hope someone will be able to recieve your messages and read them. And to be fair.. I am fine with this gimmick, but... if there is no chaplain to sense the ouija board... or someone picks it up... it's basicly over for that fun.

So I'd like the introduce one of those ghost hunter gimmicks I would call the "Ghost Radio"
This ain't some radio that taps into the "dead players" Chat... oh no... that would be insane.

Insted it's a Ouija board but as a radio item... and yes it works as a headset. And when worn, dead players will see a "signal" bar above the players head and they can then click them to send a message over "Dead radio" ala Ouija board.
Though the signal can go up and down thus cutting off parts of the message sometimes.

Now how to obtain one or make one I am not sure yet. I am thinking you need to use Hauntium in some way to make a ghost radio from a hacked fabricator.
But atleast the staffy can now try and talk with the dead!
Do you have any examples of what this would be used for? I'm struggling to think of anything that they could discuss that would not fall into sharing ghost-specific information with someone who is still in the round. The ouija board has limits for a reason-- Ghosts have can literally see the list of who is what antag in the observe menu. Even beyond that, the most logical first stop for "discussing the round as a ghost" would be talking about how you died, yes? And that's still sharing ghost-specific knowledge with the players still in round, and could lead to antags being discovered.

Having to worry about getting a clean kill as an antag and then having the ghost just find someone with one of these and go "yeah x player killed me in maint" and having no way to know that's going to happen sounds really frustrating.
I hsve a hard time seeing much use behind it than goving out meta-information. Being a ghost is very much ooc and people with DNR enabled can see who is antag and who not.

The Ouija board gets a pass because it explicitely highly limits the options of information ghosts can send to players by randomizing the selectionof words each use.

So to make this an ok item, this would be required to highly limit the options of communication. And at that points it likely looses its function/intention.
Basically the radio is the OUIJA BOARD randomized text... but it won't always function due to it being a shotty radio.
So even the randomized words... might get garbled up at random.

Same cooldown applies to it. But now it's a person using it.. but words get garbled.
It's not allowed to use meta words...

You guys missunderstood the whole "it's basically a oujia board but as a headset radio that doesn't always function and can get garbled"
This ain't allowed to "talk directly to the dead" Just oujia board stuff.
Allow the staffy to make one for have the dead send single word messages from a random selection to them.
Essentially an oujia board that trades off the fact that you can pick it up for messages sometimes being garbled. I feel like this could be interesting, being able to whisper into someone's ear as they're going about their day or RP as paranormal investigators!

I'd want to ensure that any noises are super spooky and can't be picked up by any microphones. Imagine a horde of ghosts just spamming the radio and nobody can use their headsets anymore
the thing about the ouija board is that it CAN be used to piece together meta information if you refresh it enough until you get the right words. but nobody takes that shit seriously because it's a piece of cardboard made by space hasbro
(09-17-2023, 07:10 PM)Dhaidburt Wrote: Essentially an oujia board that trades off the fact that you can pick it up for messages sometimes being garbled. I feel like this could be interesting, being able to whisper into someone's ear as they're going about their day or RP as paranormal investigators!

I'd want to ensure that any noises are super spooky and can't be picked up by any microphones. Imagine a horde of ghosts just spamming the radio and nobody can use their headsets anymore

This is the idea and the "ghost radio" is gonna be a rare item or item that is not easy to make.

I am still thinking of making it more rare.. but it seems like a fun activity for both dead players and and such.

My "Original" idea is to hack a fabricator that can make headsets, give it hauntium and then have it print a "ghost radio headset" or a "portable ghost radio"
This is the part I wish to discuss for the suggestion.

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