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Dunking yourself in a Science Chemical Barrel
Hello, I had the idea of using wire cutters on a science chemical barrel to pry the top off so the player could click drag themselves into the barrel the same way they can drag themselves into a bathtub. It would have the same effect as getting in a bathtub with the same liquids so I doubt it'd be hard to code in.
I feel like you could have some fun with this in multiple ways, from the science communal barrel-tub on RP to discount Cryo Tanks to vats of acid to toss people into. Heck, maybe you could dispose of bodies in a vat of acid too! Or just skelonize them.
I think this is a fun idea for fumes or even chemical barrel bombs. (Yes you heard me)
Unlike the beaker bombs, barrel bombs spread even more violently and cannot be reused.

But also this is a fun way of allowing players to dunk others into a vat of acid.

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