05-10-2023, 10:36 AM
This idea will probably greatly improve the ranching if done correctly. Basically my idea is that the rancher gets a new computer in which bee eggs can be placed to genetically modify them into deadly flying onsters or cute helping little bees. I dont want it to be overpowered because if it was overpowered it would never be merged. It will also not be too similar to chickens since every chicken mutation is preset, and the bees I imagine will have different traits and mutations to make them all different (like with chickens you have preset kinds of chickens, but with the bees you can have an angry robotic fire bee that stings you with 10 units of phlogiston, or you could have an angry robotic angel bee that stings you with 10 units of omnizine, all with just a single change) 
It will probably work like this: You start with some bee egg cartons in the ranch, which you need to hatch in an enclosure. You then feed the bee some bee kibble and it will make a kind of bee jelly (it would probably have another name to make it more realistic). You can put that jelly into a new rancher bee computer which does all the magic. You also put in some bee eggs to edit. The jelly you put in the machine will create some genetic points (it would probably have another name to make it more realistic) which you can edit your eggs with. You will probably get 2 or 3 every piece of normal jelly you put in. You get different tiers of mutations you can edit. you will start with some basic ones and the more jelly you get the more tiers you unlock. Bees occasionally lay eggs in a nesting box, which allows you to edit those eggs.
The bees will have different things you can harvest from them which would be:
Honey. The honey may contain different chemicals and effects based on what mutations and traits you gave the bee.
Wool. The wool may have different properties like radiation resistance and density based on what mutations and traits you gave the bee.
Reagents. When the bee gets angry they of course sting you with some reagents. The chemicals are based off what mutations and traits you gave the bee. you will also be able to get a new item which you can use to safely harvest these reagents without making the bee angry. there will of course be a long cooldown of using it so you cannot get unlimited of an overpowered chemical, unless you make the bee angry and make it sting you.
The mutations will be like: more reagents injected per sting, better wool quality, more wool that can be harvested, faster movement, more health, more reagents in honey. (these will vary in points that are required to get them and some can be upgraded multiple times.)
The traits will be like: Guardbuddy body, large body, poisonous skin, flaming body, mothification, zombification, extreme friendlyness, extreme aggression. (some of these cannot be mixed with others.)
You can maybe put beakers with specific reagents into the machine to inject it into the eggs, making them sting people with that chemical. some of these can have a higher chance of working than others, and if it fails, you will lose the egg that you tried to inject. a bee can only inject one reagent, so the bee cannot have multiple deadly reagents in it.
some of these reagents could be:
phlogiston, sulfuric acid, saxitoxin, omnizine, bee, lots of medical chems, lots of harmful chems, lots of gimmick chems. (the better the reagent(omnizine, saxitoxin etc will have really low chances of working, making it rare to get a bee that stings you with that reagent)
A bee egg also has limits to how much mutations it can have, maybe like 5 to 10 mutations and a maximum of 3 traits. this would because i dont want bees to be too overpowered.
this will be a pain in the butt to code but it would be so good if someone actually did.

It will probably work like this: You start with some bee egg cartons in the ranch, which you need to hatch in an enclosure. You then feed the bee some bee kibble and it will make a kind of bee jelly (it would probably have another name to make it more realistic). You can put that jelly into a new rancher bee computer which does all the magic. You also put in some bee eggs to edit. The jelly you put in the machine will create some genetic points (it would probably have another name to make it more realistic) which you can edit your eggs with. You will probably get 2 or 3 every piece of normal jelly you put in. You get different tiers of mutations you can edit. you will start with some basic ones and the more jelly you get the more tiers you unlock. Bees occasionally lay eggs in a nesting box, which allows you to edit those eggs.

The bees will have different things you can harvest from them which would be:
Honey. The honey may contain different chemicals and effects based on what mutations and traits you gave the bee.
Wool. The wool may have different properties like radiation resistance and density based on what mutations and traits you gave the bee.

Reagents. When the bee gets angry they of course sting you with some reagents. The chemicals are based off what mutations and traits you gave the bee. you will also be able to get a new item which you can use to safely harvest these reagents without making the bee angry. there will of course be a long cooldown of using it so you cannot get unlimited of an overpowered chemical, unless you make the bee angry and make it sting you.

The mutations will be like: more reagents injected per sting, better wool quality, more wool that can be harvested, faster movement, more health, more reagents in honey. (these will vary in points that are required to get them and some can be upgraded multiple times.)
The traits will be like: Guardbuddy body, large body, poisonous skin, flaming body, mothification, zombification, extreme friendlyness, extreme aggression. (some of these cannot be mixed with others.)
You can maybe put beakers with specific reagents into the machine to inject it into the eggs, making them sting people with that chemical. some of these can have a higher chance of working than others, and if it fails, you will lose the egg that you tried to inject. a bee can only inject one reagent, so the bee cannot have multiple deadly reagents in it.

some of these reagents could be:
phlogiston, sulfuric acid, saxitoxin, omnizine, bee, lots of medical chems, lots of harmful chems, lots of gimmick chems. (the better the reagent(omnizine, saxitoxin etc will have really low chances of working, making it rare to get a bee that stings you with that reagent)
A bee egg also has limits to how much mutations it can have, maybe like 5 to 10 mutations and a maximum of 3 traits. this would because i dont want bees to be too overpowered.

this will be a pain in the butt to code but it would be so good if someone actually did.