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BYOND Username: Jakson27
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I would be lying if I said this isn’t a salt post regarding a spoiled traitor round, but the ability to render someone’s weapon of choice (usually an expensive one) as useless with one click of a single chem is not a fun game mechanic, especially because of how easy it is to create acid and regarding attached weapons like katanas, sabers, and chainsaws, one click of acid can sink over half a traitor’s budget down the drain.
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BYOND Username: RGBDeadSilent
Character Name: Justin Falklin
I'd say make them acid immune, explosion resistant, and unable to be eaten by Matter Eater and you're settled. (maybe even add a slightly longer time for them if they get thrown into the crusher, dare you click the crusher to retrieve it in time?)
Most of the time, losing a traitor weapon means it is gone forever, but at the least like this there is the slimmest chance in hell you'll get it back. The Syndicate Uniforms like Safari and Football are absolutely already rendered useless just by losing one of them, but at least you still have armor or swap. Losing a Chainsaw or something because it turned a shade of green for 5s and then disappeared out of existence is just honestly no fun at all.
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
In my opinion the following things should happen to certain weapons from a gameplay stand point.
1: Destroying/crushing/aciding weapons of antagonists isn't possible. Infact crushing it or trying to destroy it will result in a self destruct. (Now it has suicide bombing tactics too)
2: Sec weapons cannot be acided, but can be crushed or blown up. (cause blowing up weapons aint easy)
Why stopping crushing too? The crusher should crush everything right?
Well they do crush it, they just self destruct. I have seen many times security rather DESTROYING antagonist weapons with the crusher then keeping it locked behind a safe. If anything.. the safe only gets explosives or used for evidence, but if you can destroy something that causes issues, you will do it.
Thus if a traitor gun gets taken by sec due to an unlucky moment and destroyed... it means antagonists have less reason to hit Security.
Also imagine that every round antags have to destroy the crusher in case their weapons get crushed.... it would just make disposals an annoyance cause no one can fix the crusher when it's gone. So no.. I think changing antag weapons into self destruct when being destroyed is probably the best way of doing things and it's very onbrand with Syndicate too, "Can't have my gun! SELF DESTRUCT!"
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BYOND Username: Lord_Earthfire
Character Name: Heron Asimov
12-22-2022, 06:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-22-2022, 06:59 AM by Lord_earthfire. Edited 3 times in total.)
Add splashing onto items word on belt, hand, back or pocket have a action bar. I wouldn't change anything else besides that.
Having your item dissolved by a single click is bullshit. If you don't react to someone pouring it explicitely on the item with an action bar, it's your fault.
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
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(12-22-2022, 06:56 AM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: Add splashing onto items word on belt, hand, back or pocket have a action bar. I wouldn't change anything else besides that.
Having your item dissolved by a single click is bullshit. If you don't react to someone pouring it explicitely on the item with an action bar, it's your fault.
It's also why I dislike the acid attack of the changeling, since it's a ranged melter on heads. Melt's helmets instantly or detective hats.
No counterplay but plating your shit with stuff that is acid resistant.
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BYOND Username: LadyGeartheart
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If people are using acid to quick destroy irreplacable items.someome should consider a flat out.change to acid mechanics
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
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(12-22-2022, 09:26 AM)Silent Majority Wrote: If people are using acid to quick destroy irreplacable items.someome should consider a flat out.change to acid mechanics
Now that I think of it... Wizards complained about Acid shutting them down easily. Just toss acid at wizard, hat melts and it's over for them.
So now wizard stuff is immune to Acid and chem nerds complained they can't fight wizards anymore since they are too strong.
As for now we got on weapons.
And sorta on hats from changelings.
So maybe it's not "make everything immune to acid" but "change acid's behaviour for more counterplay"
Arc Plating with the right materials should NOT be the way....since it will give away antagonists.
So maybe an anti acid kit that makes your weapons/items immune to stuff. Like a coating?
Or change acid all together.
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BYOND Username: mralexs
Character Name: JC Denton
Maybe the solution should be figuring out what acids would actually melt when exposed. A wooden staff should be acid resistant because wood has to be soaked in a strong acid for quite a while before it will break down. Either that or extend Nadir's damage mechanics to everything
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BYOND Username: Lord_Earthfire
Character Name: Heron Asimov
12-22-2022, 11:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-23-2022, 12:37 AM by Lord_earthfire. Edited 4 times in total.)
I don't think hats for changelings are a problem. Headgear is VERY powerfull because of internals. And acid is a powerfull counter to internals i wouldn't want to see gone. Especially changelings need to remove headgear fast to facilitate their kills.
That's why i explicitely excepted headgear from my suggestion for an action bar for splashing. Gasmasks don't need a buff.
Also, splashing acid is hardly used as-is, besides powergaming by splashing peoples gear in their hand.
Dunking on it wouldn't help its other uses. And i consider dissolving, like crushing, confiscated traitor gear a valid use. Security needs to gauge how much chaos they can handle. And depending on that its a-ok to destroy traitor gear. It's a far less drastic step than e.g. cremating vampires/changelings.
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BYOND Username: LadyGeartheart
Character Name: Paladin
I think what it should be is acid really only damages masks or headgear.l I've seen the acid meta in play and its just...
anti fun.; it takes 5 seconds to makie an acid strong enough to destroy anything
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
I guess most of us agree with giving an "acid damage" tick to all gear.
An "Acid HP bar" sorta speak.
This means even acid resistant gear will still tear under acid, wich is more realisitc and fun in my opinion.
Note this is only for "GEAR" aka wearable stuff.
This means most things would still be destroyed by 1 acid splash, but combat gear will resist acid abit more, giving more splashes needed to break it.
Of course plating your items with acid resistant stuff lowers the chances of it being destroyed.
Then we have how much acid can do damage... but I don't want to give the coders or whoever PRs this idea a nightmare to code so I will leave it up to them.
As for destroying traitor gear in general? I am kinda against it. As it makes the confiscation lockers less interresting to raid for.
I still think they should be "destroyable" but if you take that route you gotta do it carefully insted of "Chuck it into a crusher"
There needs to be fun ways for traitors to get a hold of them then just "waiting in disposals"
There for I recommend alternative destructions with my self destruct mechanic being one of em as well as a deterant from just getting it crushed.
Maybe with science making acid and dissolving it safely in the test chamber in case it explodes.
There for destroying traitor gear becomes less about getting rid of it right away.. and more about bering carefull.
Of course it only counts for higher cost items that traitors will have trouble hiding and have the most fun with.
So a deringer is safe to crush, but a Katana or Wrestler belt will blow up for example.
This way the higher TC stuff will have another functionality and sec has to keep it stored till they can safely dispose it.
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BYOND Username: KikiMofo
Acid tossing chemists has always been a problem. Not sure how to fix it but I do agree they shouldn't be able to instantly delete traitor items just like how they aren't able to melt wizards with one toss anymore.
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BYOND Username: mralexs
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(12-23-2022, 06:15 AM)Kotlol Wrote: I guess most of us agree with giving an "acid damage" tick to all gear.
An "Acid HP bar" sorta speak.
This means even acid resistant gear will still tear under acid, wich is more realisitc and fun in my opinion.
Note this is only for "GEAR" aka wearable stuff.
This means most things would still be destroyed by 1 acid splash, but combat gear will resist acid abit more, giving more splashes needed to break it.
Of course plating your items with acid resistant stuff lowers the chances of it being destroyed.
Then we have how much acid can do damage... but I don't want to give the coders or whoever PRs this idea a nightmare to code so I will leave it up to them.
As for destroying traitor gear in general? I am kinda against it. As it makes the confiscation lockers less interresting to raid for.
I still think they should be "destroyable" but if you take that route you gotta do it carefully insted of "Chuck it into a crusher"
There needs to be fun ways for traitors to get a hold of them then just "waiting in disposals"
There for I recommend alternative destructions with my self destruct mechanic being one of em as well as a deterant from just getting it crushed.
Maybe with science making acid and dissolving it safely in the test chamber in case it explodes.
There for destroying traitor gear becomes less about getting rid of it right away.. and more about bering carefull.
Of course it only counts for higher cost items that traitors will have trouble hiding and have the most fun with.
So a deringer is safe to crush, but a Katana or Wrestler belt will blow up for example.
This way the higher TC stuff will have another functionality and sec has to keep it stored till they can safely dispose it. Nadir has that with clothing, it shouldn't be hard to implement with everything else.