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[CLOSED PR] Reworks wraith, adds specialization paths; Harbinger, Plaguebringer, T...
(05-16-2022, 05:39 PM)glowbold Wrote: tossing an idea out, only kind of sure it’s feasible:

Creeping Dread
When cast on a person, they get a new ‘disease’: Creeping Dread. When in darkness, they increment a Dread status effect timer. At certain Dread thresholds, they get chills -> tremors -> hallucinations -> hyperventilating (oxy/light brain) -> heart palpitations -> heart attack. This disease can be communicable when both people are in darkness, but standing with others in a lit room reduces the Dread counter and will slowly push the ‘disease’ into ‘remission’.

Drinking luminol/lumen, staring into a pen-light, or hopping in a tanning booth would be good cures.

This pushes the crew to actually fix the dang lights, makes it easier to force crew to move around (into your other japes (rune traps)).

For the wraith, it rewards keeping the station in darkness and plays up the “nerves on edge” feeling i think trickster is going for.

I actually really liked that idea, so now it's a thing!

Creeping dread

Is a new status effect you can inflict to people which gives them 20 seconds of "creeping dread". The timer goes down normally and does close to nothing in the light except for some flavor text and unvoluntary emotes. However, if the afflicted is not within 3 tiles of a lit light (emergency light excluded since the wraith cant break those) the counter goes up instead of down, with effects getting progressively worse as the timer increases. Going from simple emotes to gasping, shivering, brain damage, a low chance for a cardiac emergency, and finally cardiac arrest at the highest level. Currently it takes approximately a full minute of staying in the dark to get a heart attack, which might be considered a little slow. I'll tweak it as needed once it's been properly tested for balance!

As an additional treat, this affliction makes it so that your pda light and the pda lights of everyone close to you go offline. I'll try to think of other big sources of circular light that i might need to turn off. Flashlights and helmet lights are fine i think.
(05-18-2022, 01:38 AM)Harry Wizard Wrote: I just thought of another method of counter play with the wraith that doesn't directly involve exposing it. Anointing a corpse with Holy Water should defend it from being skeletonized/consumed/revenant for a short period.

As I understand it (but somehow never realized) formaldehyde can do something similar. But I've honestly never even noticed anyone doing this.
There is actually code to check for holy water already, but it's not currently used. I can consider making it have a use if it's fun!

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