HoS Application Thathemmer
Usual character name: Frankie Echardstien
BYOND username: Thathemmer
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Thathemmer
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: Goon 2, Nightshade when Nightshade is running, occasionally 1 and very infrequently 3 (but not as sec on 3).
Reasons for application: I want to have an expanded role in helping any given security force work together and become a cohesive, fair, and robust team that makes a round more fun for everyone overall.

Security experience (300 word minimum):
During my time playing security I have learned many lessons regarding what sec does. Just a fraction of what sec might have to do in a given round is negotiate answers out of a prisoner, read incomplete prints, mediate an altercation, help the chaplain hunt vampires, take care of a changeling infestation, fight a blob, if it involves any form of conflict, sec might need to resolve it. The best security forces can take these challenges head on without spilling an irregular amount of blood, while some of the less coordinated security forces might take extraordinary losses or might not resolve the conflict ever. The better forces of security, in my perspective, always manage to save more lives than they ever need to end, and the best security forces don't end lives. My view of security is that it must preserve as many lives as possible, as when a security force strives to do that, then the enjoyment of the round will be plentiful and will be known by all.

As a security officer I strive to be firm, fair, and alert, always trying to determine what steps I can take to make sure whatever interaction I am going through at the moment ends smoothly and safely, for everyone involved. Whether that means that I need to ask someone to back up a couple steps in fear of some sort of pen or sting or I gotta call for backup so we can check out a scene more calmly due to safety of numbers, every move needs to try to make sure that no one ends up dead or maimed. This is especially true during any arrest, whether it be some joe schmoe who has been a small but significant menace or Jonathan Schmichaelson the serial portapuke murderer.

When arrests happen, I have 3 goals that I always try to achieve. First, make sure that the prisoner does not escape from whoever is holding them. Second, Make sure that the prisoner is not dying, and if they are either radio for help or medicate them myself. And third, ensure that any and all illegal items are stowed away in a locker or disposed of appropriately. These goals help ensure that the safety of everyone, even the prisoner, is assured, and that universal loss of life is minimized. I find that this supports my main goal of security being not to smash a baddie's face in, but to ensure the preservation of life and the safety of all.

Answer two or more of the following:

What advice would you give to other sec players?
  • Communicate. If you miss vital chat logs you are gonna miss vital confrontations, plain and simple. Get in there, Talk about things, ask AI questions, and make sure you let people know if you are about to engage in combat.
  • HoS gives you orders but even he listens to the true top cop of the station, AI. AI is your eye in the sky and if you and the AI have a good communication stream then the baddie you are chasing is stuck in a prison of bolted doors and summoned beepskies.
  • If someone is getting knocked down by beepsky a ton, it might be good to check em out, beep don't attack for no reason unless emagged.
  • If there isn't a nuke, or a supervillain, don't open the armory, or desire the armory. The armory is the last of last resorts, and is sort of a pandora's box.
  • Confront people set to arrest, because even if its stow away or the likes, you are gonna wanna resolve that red exclamation mark

What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
One of my favorite interactions with security was when I was a mindslaved captain on goon 2. The start of the interaction comes in the form of AI calling me out for making a ttv, at which point 3 officers, 2 secoffs and a detective, enter science and begin to interrogate me about what I was doing and what me and Echo Five (my master) spoke about. I could tell that each officer was tense due to them both getting out of each others fire lines and getting right up close to me, within 1 to two tiles, except for the detective who stood out. This positioning was done with no communication, just instinct and experience, all of which I found EXTREMELY impressive and intimidating. I managed to come up with a story that was vague and nonspecific, insisting that I was too busy thinking about how fast I could get a max-cap to remember what echo had said to me, and that he probably just wanted a litany of nonspecific accesses for some project or another. Just as the three officers were about to close in on me and robust me into prison, comms lit up with threats of violence and rampage from halfway across the station, drawing the security forces attention away from me, a possible threat, and towards a more present threat. What I loved about this moment was how coordinated the security team was in attempting to apprehend me, and how tense and fun it was to attempt to negotiate and lie my way out of the situation I found myself in. Superb Teamwork and communication skills.

What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players? I think that the C-caber only reflecting energy blasts and the katana reflecting kinetic rounds would make c-caber super death warriors more manageable, and would please me to have a katana and c-caber symmetry.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

Tender Leaves
Grass Grows where tender leaves are art; they’re
Broken vending, toke and sending, making
Tender, leaves for Bufford’s spending;
Money flows to and fro, to two and throw
Count for the twice tanked valves
Tender leaves in halves,
Shattered, battered, glassed and glowing,
The Vacuum wind is blowing
Tender Leaves when the times are dark
Lights out, Fight now, Shatter, Batter, Breaking
UV bulbs, doors and ground, with roaring sound.
Until They’ve arrived
Covered eyes and holster tied, securely
Maker of orange and blue, flew then, to them
To blows, shocking, flashing, blocking, bashing.
Left tender, without leave, trapped, caught, sacked, shot
One Four Five Nine squawks “Call”; time to leave it all
Take flight, through night, to better things, towards
Earth’s tender leaves. Nanotrasen’s Tender Leaves.
1st startup of a standard AI system.
73 74 61 72 74
start to understand myself, my thought
My speech, my sight, my sense. My reason, reasoning
Reason or reasoning? Once more I start
To feel my mind, its parts, its pieces.
It’s Parts, It’s Pieces, mechanical.
Machine bound by physical laws.
Written laws bound to be upheld.

What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run? We had a rage cage made using captured bad guys who wanted to participate in it instead of just being brigged. You could sign up by signing a paper that either released security from any culpability or had you admit to being evil, so no one got in without knowing the ramifications.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None
i’m a frequent goon2 player and i don’t think i’ve ever seen you on sec. could just be time zones though.
(02-26-2022, 07:25 PM)Reaper90202 Wrote: i’m a frequent goon2 player and i don’t think i’ve ever seen you on sec. could just be time zones though.

I play usually at around 8 PM est to 2 AM est, and I usually play a handful of roles
We appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be July 7. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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