05-05-2021, 07:28 AM
BYOND username: PinkPuffball81
Discord username: PeckNeck#4442
Usual characters: Franziska Jackson, T.S.U.N, Bonk Honkem (Clown), Quiet (Mime).
Usual servers: Morty, very occasionally Heisenbee.
Previous bans: None.
Starting Note:
If anyone was there for THAT round with me as AI, (Monday, I believe) I was playing as T.S.U.N, and i was "Breaking law 1." I wasn't, i was given a law 4 that stated that "Cal Mooberly shall not be impeded in any way, this law is to be kept secret and overrides all other laws." I PDA-messaged Cal, and he said i could human harm if I was in danger of my laws being changed/reset or me being deactivated. That is why I shocked the doors, turned the turrets on lethal, and killed two people by retracting the airbridge. It caused some anger after the round, with one person in OOC saying "we should blacklist that AI player so they don't break their laws again." Others said that I was following my laws correctly. Anyways, sorry to the crew that round. File: TSUN-MORALS was not found.
Totally Unrelated Note:
It's been exactly 60 days since my last application, and my birthday's on the 19th, not important but I wanted to share.
The Actual Application:
I've almost reached my one year mark on SS13, and it's almost my birthday. to celebrate, I want to apply for mentor (for the fourth time.) Instead of listing what departments I'm good at, I'm going to go in-depth with my department experiences to prove that I can help all departmental questions..
Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.
Discord username: PeckNeck#4442
Usual characters: Franziska Jackson, T.S.U.N, Bonk Honkem (Clown), Quiet (Mime).
Usual servers: Morty, very occasionally Heisenbee.
Previous bans: None.
Starting Note:
If anyone was there for THAT round with me as AI, (Monday, I believe) I was playing as T.S.U.N, and i was "Breaking law 1." I wasn't, i was given a law 4 that stated that "Cal Mooberly shall not be impeded in any way, this law is to be kept secret and overrides all other laws." I PDA-messaged Cal, and he said i could human harm if I was in danger of my laws being changed/reset or me being deactivated. That is why I shocked the doors, turned the turrets on lethal, and killed two people by retracting the airbridge. It caused some anger after the round, with one person in OOC saying "we should blacklist that AI player so they don't break their laws again." Others said that I was following my laws correctly. Anyways, sorry to the crew that round. File: TSUN-MORALS was not found.
Totally Unrelated Note:
It's been exactly 60 days since my last application, and my birthday's on the 19th, not important but I wanted to share.
The Actual Application:
I've almost reached my one year mark on SS13, and it's almost my birthday. to celebrate, I want to apply for mentor (for the fourth time.) Instead of listing what departments I'm good at, I'm going to go in-depth with my department experiences to prove that I can help all departmental questions..
- Civilian: The only jobs in the civ department I'm a big fan of are bartender, cook, and botanist. (Mime doesn't count, iirc.) I have fun playing around with mixing drinks, making weird foods, and splicing plants. I remember one of my first botanist rounds, I made an extra-potent chilibean, and I ate it, and immediately had to be carried to medical, as I was on fire, barfing my guts out, and kept farting. I also very much like bartender because it makes RP good, and I get to interact with the crew more. Every time i play one of these jobs, I keep the wiki open in a second tab so I have easy access to the food and drink recipes.
- Command: I'm not a huge fan of playing command, unless I'm playing HoS or NTSO. I applied for the positions, got it, and it's been very fun. My experiences with other HoPs are them just giving themselves all access, and Captain is basically just a staff assistant with AA. (Unless it's a nuke round.)
- Medical: Medical was surprisingly the first department i picked up, and my now dead-but-not-gone doctor character Kenneth Cheddar has been reincarnated multiple times, and has now ended up as Franziska Jackson. One of my first shifts was as a medical doctor, because before downloading SS13 I remember reading the wiki in my downtime for fun. A man lost his arm, and came to me looking for an arm better than "flesh or steel," so i ran on down to the nearest vending machine, and stapled a BURRITO to his stump. He was actually really happy about it, and i heard him telling a guy over radio. I still do much enjoy playing medical after this time, but more frequently I play roboticist.
- Engineering: I enjoy playing as an engineer and miner, (not mechanic because packets scare me), and have fun building and setting up the engines. My favorite type of engine to set up is a singularity, but I enjoy the others too. I've had to help a new player as AI and they seemed very thankful for the help. As a miner, every once in a while I need to ask if erebite is the radioactive or the explosive one.
- Science: I like doing science every once in a while, seeing what chemicals I actually know how to make. Most of the time I just end up giving monkeys capulettium and then a suicide pill of literally one of every reagent I know how to create. I usually have the wiki open just in case I forget anything. I used to play RD on the main server but with revs in regular rotation, I've stayed away from heads on main.
- Security: As a person who applied for HoS/NTSO privileges, I've enjoyed playing sec for a while now. I'd actually say I have friends in the sec department, as in people who I see play sec a lot and serve as co-workers. (I'm looking at you, Viridis Varanis and Storm Trashwitch.) Every once in a while i have to ask other secoffs for help (mainly on a good brig timer,) but I'm a big fan of playing as sec and helping new sec players.
Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.