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Directed Nanites - quick discussion

It doesnt happen often, but when i make direct nanites sometimes a doctor or even the patient eating them will freak out at what a health analyzer shows or what the person ingesting them says.

should it be differentiated to make it clear that it is not dangerous? Thoughts?
What does it currently show?
exactly the same messages as nanomachines, indicating that they should be stopped and that the user is being transformed into a borg basically. Also the messages the person who eats them gets is similar to being transformed including beeping and booping, saying that things are moving painfully. They are also disabled by electric shocks similar to nanomachine.

Ive had over responsive doctors act quickly to disable my secret chem thinking it was harmful a couple of times before i could explain!
Plus, the symptoms are the exact same up until the gain robotic limb/organ part, and can turn asymptomatic aswell.
I've put some in the cloner before to try and help out, only to cause others to jump to the conclusion that someone was sleepy penning nanomachines. While I get that they're thematically similar, having a different disease showing when medscanned would be very very nice.

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