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Flashbangs and intents
Due to how dealing with flashbangs is sometimes frustrating when you accidently click on a tile with a flashbang in your hand and it automatically flies off, or when you're trying to trade it off somehow and decided to gently put on the table.

My suggestion is simple: Make auto triggering and throwing of flashbangs only on harm intent. Or Disarm, Grab and Harm leaving the Help intent where you have to just manually do it.

Though it doesn't happen often it would still be nice, I think.
And for all grenades. Nothing's more frustrating than trying to put a flashbang in a full backpack prompting it to instead arm, drop from your hand and follow you around literally.
yes. I've never even floorclicked a grenade on purpose, it's always an accident.
I once tried to give a rather explosive chemist grenade to a barman in exchange for some moonshine; if not for me reacting quickly, it would have ruined the nice wooden bench.

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