HoS application
Usual character name: Paul DeLoco
BYOND username: This_Was_Me
Discord username: this_is_me#9071
Goon servers you play on: Goonstation 1 and Goonstation overflow

Reason for application: HoS is a rare role, especially on overflow. I’ve sometimes gone dozens of shifts without having an HoS present and the disorderly sec can often cause more problems than they solve. I want to become an HoS because I want to improve the quality of life of all players on the station, from sec to antag. A bad sec department can ruin the fun of the entire station, so as HoS my goal is to organize sec in order to optimize the enjoyment of the entire station. 

Security experience: I picked up sec shortly after getting enough playtime to unlock it and I instantly fell in love. Whether it's something intense like stopping a ling from killing a fellow crewmate to helping the bartender find his lost shoes, helping people is the most fun aspect of this game for me. Sec is difficult, and I've made a lot of mistakes, but I think mistakes are an important part of learning and improving. By making mistakes, I learn what I did wrong and how not to make that mistake in the future. I've learned mistakes are alright, as long as you actively try to fix them and learn from them. I may not be the most robust sec officer, but I am a good Sec officer because I've learned from my mistakes and I will continue learning until the day I die.

During my early days of learning sec, I made many mistakes, some big, some small, but I learned from them all. I used to taser first and ask questions later, I was gung ho and strict but I learned. I learned that 9/10 times talking solves the problem two times faster and is ten times more enjoyable for the involved parties. No one likes getting tazed, cuffed, then thrown in a cell without knowing why, and that's why communication is important. Being sec is not about installing a police state, it's about facilitating fun for the rest of the station by establishing order. Sec exists to help out the crew and give antags something to fight. It’s a game after all, and if a game isn't fun, there's a problem.  

I'm also willing to admit, I'm not the most robust player out there, not even close. If I get into a one on one fight, I’ll probably lose, and I don't mind. I don’t mind because being sec isn't about being powerful, it's about helping people. A good sec shouldn't be instigating fights, they should be helping the station and its crew first, and a fighting force second. Not that I'm a pacifist, measured violence can often be the correct solution to many problems, but it should not be the go to solution to every problem. Sure, if there's a trigger happy traitor, gun him down, but if there's a small argument that leads to some fists being thrown, try to deescalate the situation first. 

Answer two or more of the following:

What advice would you give to other sec players?
1.Don't be afraid. Things will go wrong and there are choices that need to be made. Don't hide in an office during a fire, go get a fire extinguisher and solve the problem. Death is a part of the game, and so is losing, so don't be afraid to go out and try. You may die, but that's ok, it’s part of the game. Failure is the path to success, so go out and learn.

2. Don’t be a dick. As fun as it may seem to you, mass incarceration and police brutality tend not to be enjoyable experiences for most players, so don't do it. Sec is supposed to help the station, not hurt it. You are not antags, don't act like it. Sure the occasional good cop bad cop can be good, just don't get carried away.

3. Communication is key. You have a radio, use it, you have access to secmate, use it. Sec is nothing without order, and communication is the only way to have order. This also extends to security records, please update them, it helps much more than you think. 

What was one of your favorite security moments?

My favorite security moment was a round on overflow with nuke ops. They had limited manpower and decided to go with an interesting strat. I was one of 3 sec officers, and I had gotten lured into a maintenance tunnel when the three nuke ops jumped me, but not with lethal force. They used a hostage to get me to surrender, and then handcuffed me. The round was a long and tense negotiation followed by a quick shootout. It was a fun round because we talked first, then acted. This would not have been possible if sec was gung ho and trigger happy. 

Answer one or more of the following fun questions:

What’s a security gimmick that you’ve ran or wanted to run?
One time, quite recently actually, sec ran a tournament. There was jousting on the sec scooters, gladiatorial fighting, drinking contests and the winner was crowned king of the station. It was a fun time, and it was interesting to be a sec helping organize the tournament, and keeping the peace as the festivities continued. 

One I’ve wanted to run but was not able to do was a contest within sec. Each person would get points based on tickets given and contraband confiscated. I think it would be fun to compete with each other while also doing our job, but I have not yet tuned out the finer details. 

Previous bans:
HoS applications require 3 months of playtime, so I'll have to deny your application. Please feel free to reapply once you've been here for 3 months!

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