07-23-2020, 11:24 AM
Usual character name: Kane Malik/M.A.L.I.K.A.I as AI
BYOND username: DrDongStrong
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Dr. Dong Strong
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Used to main goon2, but now I main Nightshade1 and 2
Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): I've been playing SS13 on gooncode for over a year now. In that time I played almost exclusively on goon2 to learn and grow my knowledge of the game. I've become proficient in every role and have played every antag role numerous times (although I'm not a very good blob). Regardless, I love the game and know I can bring others to love it too through teaching them. On that note, I started playing on the nightshade servers recently after tomato created them with the help of you guys and have noticed that a lot of the players on these servers are pretty new. I've taught countless people in game some basic stuff like where their department is or how to mix this, grow that, etc. Helping people like that has slowly become one of my favorite parts of the game, and I know that as a mentor I could help teach people in an even more efficient way.
I would consider my specialties in the game to be Medbay and Science as I know every sub-department in both of those like the back of my hand, but I also understand every other role on the station well. I've done some telesci into the Adventure Zone but I still consider this a weak point of my in game knowledge as I've only completed Meat Station and the Mars Outpost, but I plan on playing more of these zones as I get some people to help me through them (note: I've visited nearly all of the adventure zones, I just haven't completed them). Mining is also a weak point of mine simply because I've played it WAY less than any of the other roles on the ship, but I still understand the basics and the machinery.
To wrap it up, I think most of my expertise is ON ship, not off ship. I plan on doing more off ship exploring to grow my knowledge in this area, but for now my expertise lies elsewhere
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): N/A
BYOND username: DrDongStrong
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Dr. Dong Strong
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Used to main goon2, but now I main Nightshade1 and 2
Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): I've been playing SS13 on gooncode for over a year now. In that time I played almost exclusively on goon2 to learn and grow my knowledge of the game. I've become proficient in every role and have played every antag role numerous times (although I'm not a very good blob). Regardless, I love the game and know I can bring others to love it too through teaching them. On that note, I started playing on the nightshade servers recently after tomato created them with the help of you guys and have noticed that a lot of the players on these servers are pretty new. I've taught countless people in game some basic stuff like where their department is or how to mix this, grow that, etc. Helping people like that has slowly become one of my favorite parts of the game, and I know that as a mentor I could help teach people in an even more efficient way.
I would consider my specialties in the game to be Medbay and Science as I know every sub-department in both of those like the back of my hand, but I also understand every other role on the station well. I've done some telesci into the Adventure Zone but I still consider this a weak point of my in game knowledge as I've only completed Meat Station and the Mars Outpost, but I plan on playing more of these zones as I get some people to help me through them (note: I've visited nearly all of the adventure zones, I just haven't completed them). Mining is also a weak point of mine simply because I've played it WAY less than any of the other roles on the ship, but I still understand the basics and the machinery.
To wrap it up, I think most of my expertise is ON ship, not off ship. I plan on doing more off ship exploring to grow my knowledge in this area, but for now my expertise lies elsewhere

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): N/A