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Make windoors break as easily as regular windows
right not windoors (ie: those thin glass doors you see in cog1 medbay and AI room) are literally indestructible and completely unhackable. Even when other doors were made breakable with enough toolbox smacks, windoors can still survive explosives and still function. Even more infuriatingly, they don't need power to function, so even if you disable the room's APC they still will just blink that stupid fucking red light when you try to crowbar them. Make them break as easily as normal windows, or even better, make one hit from anything that deals damage instantly delete them.
I agree that they should be easily broken. However, I propose the following:

Rework them so that they use material sheets as the door itself. For example, the existing ones would simply use reinforced glass sheets. You could then implement plasma glass ones, or steel doors.

Additionally, the sheets can be broken down depending on the strength of the material used, and they can be replaced by crowbarring out the broken sheet and putting another material sheet into it (e.g if someone shatters a glass door, crowbar out the shards from the door and pop another reinforced glass sheet in)
I like that idea
what if all windoors were replaced with oshan windoors
or are those also invulnerable
Honestly all glass should be breakable unless its plasma glass.
plasma glass is also breakable, just takes a really long time to do so
Can you break plasma glass with just hitting it normally with stuff now or does it still need an explosion? Years ago the only way to break plasma glass was with explosions, I don't think even csabers could break them.
You can break plasma glass with objects.

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