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Have the syndicate hat give the same effect as crime
Title. If its time for crime, then surely removing items 5x faster will help? That and also you can strip someones baton as they hit you with it.
Yes, it gives the syndie hat a gimmicky use but not that would be ridiculous, also gives a nice reason to steal the giant glowy red bad guy hat and risk losing your stuff.
What do you mean same effect as crime?
they're referring to the chemical Crime, which is a fairly new secret chem added in the same update as stuff like Juggernaut, and I think the secret hints item.
(02-12-2020, 04:41 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: What do you mean same effect as crime?

Crime is a new secret chem that allows you to remove items from people five times faster, or under a second or so for everything except jumpsuits.
Oh thats neat. Yeah I'd say that would be a good thing for the crime hat

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