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Organic/Biological Artifact Changes
It'd be interesting if you could alter your physical form beyond mutations or turning into a cyborg. What if it unlocked/granted features like extra eyes or limbs? What about changing the color of your blood (or replacing even, requiring you to have that replacing substance inside of you in order to live) or having you naturally generate chems or metabolize previously toxic substances? Or like, gaining a pincer for a hand or a tail or something like that. Stuff that isn't just robotic replacements would be pretty interesting. Thicker skin = natural melee/ranged resistance would be interesting?

I want to say turning you into another race/creature would be cool, but I feel like the mutation arts already kinda do that. It's just extremely rare for that to line up, though. You're usually better off going to Genetics if you want to get it done instead of waiting a few weeks for the stars to align.
Very interesting idea. District 9 comes to mind with gradual changes over time potentially. To add some element of danger if its too potent perhaps it could replace your conciousness with an NPC like the ancient armour/crown does as you become too alien?

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