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Dual AI rounds
On some rounds the station should start with 2 AIs. Ostensibly this would protect the station from syndicates trying to shut the AI down, but there's one problem: Each AI has its own set of laws. The AIs would be placed in separate rooms, so if the right freeform laws get uploaded they could use telescience to kill each other. I have no idea how borgs would decide which set of laws to obey but I'm sure the solutions they come up with will be hilarious.
i want this,some people once found a way to add a brain to my ai mainframe and it was quite fun having a human brain talk to me and help people out
I approve of this idea. Multiple AIs would be really fun.

The only catch is that the station would need a bit of a redesign to accommodate two AIs, along with being able to switch between both maps depending on whether or not it is a dual AI round.
This is a great idea on paper yes but being put into action is another thing. It's real easy for play2win assholes to force both AIs to comply with station laws and whatnot. On the opposite side of things it could be considered way overpowered to have two AIs to work for a traitor.
I could go for the AI to be scannable by Electronics; but not for starting with more than a single AI.

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