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Major Changeling Headspider Weirdness

I had a fun game on Horizon earlier today. I was a chef ling and got about 40 min into the round or so when I was killed by HoS and Captain. I became a controllable headspider and ran around and eventually entered the captain. The HoS (Horse) quickly went to medbay, and I saw that he was trying to remove me. I was trying to talk the whole time and on my screen it looked like it was working with "headspider say:". They "finished" the surgery, but my HUD with ling abilities was still there.

he captain went about his business and I took over soon afterwards and continued my spree.

I killed and ate the HoS who stated that he saw the message on his screen that I had been removed.

I imagine this has to do with the playable headspiders.
I can confirm that headspiders are a little odd at the moment. When the surgery is successful, you don't actually get booted out and just stay inside the person forever. The surgery also seems to require you to remove multiple headspiders from the person at times as well, which is probably what happened with the HoS.
kyle and I tested this recently; you do get booted out of the person and die after successful surgery. it clearly doesn't happen every time, so there must be more than one factor at play here
When I tried a few days ago it took two cuts to remove the headspider.

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