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Increase gene strain frequency in botany plants
Right now in botany it fairly consistently takes 40+ minutes and thousands of units of mutagen to get a top-tier plant, even with easy access to the bar, but at that point there's no time left to improve its' base statistics (or, by extension, give anything to the QM). 
A lot of this time is spent simply pushing 120 units of mutagen into a handful of seeds waiting for a seed below 20~30% damage to actually roll any gene, let alone one you'd like. 

Trawling through the 2013 release shows that all of the gene strains are using a single integer as their frequency of appearing, having it bumped up to maybe ~20% would be easy to implement and might make advanced botany a little less mind-numbing (and possibly make how gene strains work a bit more obvious to botany players?)
This would be a welcome change
Seems like it would be nice to save time and effort with the higher frequency especially when you're making super crops and trying to get stuff done before a terrible accident occurs and the shuttles called

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