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Minor Body Type Mutations work weird with werewolf
So the following happened in a recent round:

1. Turn into werewolf

2. Stab self with primal genetics activator, turn into monkey

3. Name is still "werewolf", but can't use werewolf powers

4. Using Transform again turns me into a normal human

5. Use Transform AGAIN, turn into a proper werewolf

What would you expect to occur instead?
yeah this seems like a situation that could very easilly *produce* a bug, and lock you out of werewolf for the rest of the round, but doesn't.

just because you expect gooncode to draw and quarter you doesnt mean it's good behavior is a bug
Seems fine to me, in fact seems like what the game should be doing in a scenario like this.
i mean really shouldn't you be happy that this didn't kill your werewolf powers permanently?
Now we know a werewolf weakness
(09-27-2018, 11:56 AM)CandleCandleCandles Wrote: What would you expect to occur instead?

to turn into a werewolf in step 4?

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