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Tweak Blindness
Currently whenever you get the blindness mutation you are incapable of interacting with the environment in any fashion in addition to the whole being unable to see anything. I'd suggest that this be changed that you be able to click on things through the black overlay, so to make it that getting the mutation in a rad stormĀ or whatever doesn't render you completely helpless. I remember one round where I got the mutation from an angry green fart attack and had to go to the shuttle, where I was left to just hit rest as some baddie shot up the place, whereas in an ideal world I could've been f in random directions in an attempt to be helpful.

One more thing, with the advanced eye system technology, stabbing out your eye as the clown should count as losing an eye, and not getting the mutation.
As someone who loses all eyesight as a clown constantly I approve of this message.
I've seen lots of threads and posts on this issue, and I agree with the sentiment. Being blind sucks, but it shouldn't make you helpless. In the very least we need some way to apply items to ourselves when we're not visible. At this point a simple verb would do.
Personally, I think you should have that semi-vision you get when knocked out, where you can see what's immediately around you, to represent your character feeling their way around
Just make everything black to the blind person. Like when you paint everything in black.

Also, give us a hotkey for using objects on our own bodies please.

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