the SS13 floor tiles are made of metal, so it would make sense that i can hook some wires precariously up to electrified grilles and strip them of their rubber covering and put them under floor tiles
Imagine the Hi-larious results!
Basically, here is how it goes down.
Break the window, strip your wire of rubber with a wirecutter, hook it up, roll the wire under the floor tiles you crowbarred, replace, and watch in glee as people keep on shocking themselves trying to walk around.
stun times would diminish over distance from the power source.
These traps are pretty versatile.
useful for shocking Renta-Cop Johnson out of losing his baton while running across the hallways.
Yeah, i was thinking that any falling on the tiles should give you a violent shock, the idea of this is not specifically for traps, but rather to allow us some more freedom with electrifying things.