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More disease!
Just a quick idea I thought of just now.

Disease and stuff should be more common. For example, if you use the bathroom and don't wash your hands, you have a low (like, 1-5% or so) chance to get sick with something after a few minutes. Also if you don't wash your hands before eating you have a 10% chance to catch a sickness. Or, if your surgeon isn't all that professional and doesn't use any sanitary practices or equipment, you're likely to get sick.

Of course, the diseases would be low level, harmless infections that'll usually go away after a while.

Although with how diseases work, mutations can happen as a virus rapidly spreads across the station, becoming more and more lethal! So, wash your hands!
I'm reasonably sure that if your hygiene rating gets too low (on LLJK1, or whenever motives are enabled on LLJK2) you can get a random disease.

The reason I say this is that I've had people in quarantine vomiting on themselves repeatedly and slowly accumulating more pathogens. This problem can cascade pretty quickly.

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