08-22-2016, 11:49 PM
So in a lot of rounds, I play as the AI. Sometimes I get a law with fancy words that aren't used often. During these times I usually adminhelp for clarification on their meaning, after googling it. Thing is, people don't always agree. Say I had a law saying "kill all crew blah blah. this law supersedes all other laws." I had one that said this once, googled it, supersedes means to take the place of. I assume this means the same thing as override, this law takes the place of my other laws, therefore it is my only law. I adminhelp just in case and get told that it actually would act like takes precedence. We debate for a while and agree it is like precedence. Then when I talk about it later on, another admin tells me I am wrong. That went a bit off topic but basically I want to ask people to get terms straight. Feel free to comment words you have thought about using in a law so people can agree on the meaning.