03-09-2016, 02:10 PM
Basically makes artifact beakers have a lot more varied stuff. Replace the New proc in obj/artifacts/artifact_items/watering_can.dm with this one for fun times. Of course tinker with values and probabilities if there are any problems here. I went for whatever fun/devious/rare chems I could scavenge, stuff that I want to see used more. Everybody should see artifact beakers as a potential free poison bottle, or at least something to gimmick around with.
Note that this intentionally leverages the inability to separate chems non-destructively - no matter how many lucky draws an artbeaker gets, you'll generally only be able to utilize one!
Note that this intentionally leverages the inability to separate chems non-destructively - no matter how many lucky draws an artbeaker gets, you'll generally only be able to utilize one!
New(var/loc, var/forceartitype)
var/datum/artifact/watercan/AS = new /datum/artifact/watercan(src)
if (forceartitype)
AS.validtypes = list("[forceartitype]")
src.artifact = AS
var/capacity = rand(1,20)
capacity *= 1000
var/usedCapacity = 0
var/datum/reagents/R = new/datum/reagents(capacity)
reagents = R
R.my_atom = src
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("uranium", 30)
usedCapacity += 30
if (prob(15))
R.add_reagent("aranesp", 30)
usedCapacity += 30
if (prob(3))
R.add_reagent("stimulants", 30)
usedCapacity += 30
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("super_hairgrownium", 25)
usedCapacity += 25
if (prob(5))
R.add_reagent("anima", 15)
usedCapacity += 15
if (prob(15))
R.add_reagent("strange_reagent", 20)
usedCapacity += 20
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("booster_enzyme", 40)
usedCapacity += 40
if (prob(5))
R.add_reagent("werewolf_part4", 45) // Georgegibs are BACK
usedCapacity += 45
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("spiders", 30)
usedCapacity += 30
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("hugs", 25)
usedCapacity += 25
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("love", 25)
usedCapacity += 25
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("colors", 25)
usedCapacity += 25
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("fliptonium", 25)
usedCapacity += 25
if (prob(3))
R.add_reagent("glowing_fliptonium", 5)
usedCapacity += 5
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("fartonium", 30)
usedCapacity += 30
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("glitter", 30)
usedCapacity += 30
if (prob(15))
R.add_reagent("voltagen", 40)
usedCapacity += 40
if (prob(3))
R.add_reagent("rainbow fluid", 20) // honk
usedCapacity += 20
if (prob(2))
R.add_reagent("vampire_serum", 5)
usedCapacity += 5
if (prob(2))
R.add_reagent("painbow fluid", 10) // HUNKE
usedCapacity += 10
if (prob(2))
R.add_reagent("werewolf_serum", 2) // awoo
usedCapacity += 2
if (prob(3))
R.add_reagent("liquid plasma", 20)
usedCapacity += 20
if (prob(3))
R.add_reagent("liquid spacetime", 25)
usedCapacity += 25
if (prob(1))
R.add_reagent("HIV", 5) // THE MOST DANGEROUS
usedCapacity += 5
if (prob(3))
R.add_reagent("loose screws", 25)
usedCapacity += 25
if (prob(2))
R.add_reagent("spidereggs", 8)
usedCapacity += 8
if (prob(5))
R.add_reagent("bathsalts", 55)
usedCapacity += 55
if (prob(5))
R.add_reagent("crank", 35)
usedCapacity += 35
if (prob(5))
R.add_reagent("triplemeth", 40)
usedCapacity += 40
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("catdrugs", 45)
usedCapacity += 45
if (prob(5))
R.add_reagent("foof", 10)
usedCapacity += 10
if (prob(5))
R.add_reagent("argine", 25) // don't get cold
usedCapacity += 25
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("blackpowder", 310) // don't get hot
usedCapacity += 310
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("beepskybeer", 100) // drunk driving is a crime
usedCapacity += 100
if (prob(5))
R.add_reagent("moonshine", 15)
usedCapacity += 15
if (prob(5))
R.add_reagent("grog", 15)
usedCapacity += 15
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("ectocooler", 35)
usedCapacity += 35
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("energydrink", 35)
usedCapacity += 35
if (prob(3))
R.add_reagent("enriched_msg", 25)
usedCapacity += 25
if (prob(15))
R.add_reagent("omnizine", 50)
usedCapacity += 50
if (prob(10))
R.add_reagent("omega_mutagen", 30)
usedCapacity += 30
if (prob(3))
R.add_reagent("madness_toxin", 10)
usedCapacity += 10
R.add_reagent("saltpetre", max((capacity-usedCapacity) / 2, 0))
//R.add_reagent("water", max((capacity-usedCapacity) / 2, 0)) // Was diluting the fliptonium, can't have that