Mentor Application
Usual Character Name: Owla Ree on Cogmap or Sam Urai on Destiny. Over a hundred different AI names and counting.
BYOND Username: Urist McGrek
Recommended by: Nobody! Oh well.
Times Available: Availableish 5AM GMT to 10AM GMT most days, often before that on Fridays and Weekends.
Reason For Application + Game Experience:
I feel like I know a bunch about the game and I like answering newbie questions in OOC and as AI in slow rounds, so why not answer mentorhelps as well? I started playing with Cog1 and mostly play on Cog2. I like Destiny, but there's usually not enough (non-braindead) people on that server when I'm online for a Destiny round to be worth it.

Gameplay-wise, I'd rate myself as being best at AI, barkeeper, security, QM, miner and MD. Major weaknesses would probably be 'secret' stuff like hidden chems and Sol-nerdery. I'm not a big fan of the whole 'never talk about this with other players' aspect of it, so I never got into it. I'm pretty good at using the science teleporter to move things around the station (particularly as an AI; I used to make it a point to zap corpses to Robotics any time Telescience wasn't using the console) but am very bad at adventure zones.

Likewise, on the chemistry end of things, I don't know how to make (for example) Grog or Initropidril, but I just love making stuff like that cranksplosion chili pepper from this thread or, more recently, pitchers "Constable Hooty's Chocolate Tonic" which turns into Hootingium iif you ignore the warning not to chug it. That kind of thing is where the real fun for me is in the game, seeing what you can accomplish by mixing well known mechanics together in surprising ways. I've also dived into ThinkDOS and Dwaine recently, and have a pretty good handle on what everything does.

For antagonists, I like to play unconventionally or against type. It's both a self-imposed challenge and a chance to try out something new. For traitors I like constant disguise swapping and confusing the Detective. For changelings, I like to see how blatant I can be before I get found out, and if I can make a daring escape before I'm run through the Crusher. My stance is that win or lose, I should always be trying to do something new with each round.

Previous Bans: None! I've been yelled at a few times, but never banned. Yay me.

Uh, so the link didn't work for whatever reason. It's in General discussion, under "Expiscutrol".
You have always been a fun person and you seem pretty knowledgeable, yes from me.
Owla is a cool person and knows their stuff. They should totally be a mentor.
Wait, you weren't already a mentor?

A definite yes from me, you seem to know your stuff very well.
Yeah owla knows stuff, mentor them.
Vitatroll Wrote:Been around, not shit, knows things -- Check.
Yup yup
Owla Ree's always known what they're doing whenever I've come across them. Yes.
Owla ree is a competent person
A great player who would be a great mentor I vote yes.

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