Zewaka/Shitty Bill Jr. Mentor Application
Usual Character Name: Shitty Bill Jr. as a meatbag, or Harold the AI
BYOND Username: Zewaka
Recommended by (if applicable): Nobody
Times Available: I'm in a strange timezone, so I'm normally on during the late night. Approx. 20EST-4EST

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): I'm applying mainly because I want to become more involved with the community. I recently came back after taking a 3ish month long hiatus and I fell in love again. I am always happy to answer questions people have about general stuff about the game. Sometimes, the wiki can't make up for experience so if they just need a nudge in the right direction I'm happy to oblige. Everyone was new to this game at one point, and with all the new(to our codebase) players coming over because of Destiny I feel like I could help improve their experience here.

I first logged on to the goonstation servers in November of 2014. I think it was on donut 2 back then, I'm not entirely sure. I vaguely remember something about 2 weeks and then it switched to Cogmap1.
I played until May of 2015 and sadly found myself too busy with work to get more than one round in every now and then.
I recently re-appeared in September and have been playing since then. Now, we have a new map called Destiny and a map that is soon to be released called Cogmap2. I've already logged plenty of hours on Destiny and I'm looking forward to seeing what's new in Cogmap2 since the small test I got to participate in.

I'm really enjoying the medium RP environment on Destiny so far. I've had crazy experiences with the people on there. The cramped environment really makes for great roleplay. Even the little things like getting trapped in maint with a ling during a radstorm become hilarious due to the interactions between the players. I'm definitely looking forward to see how it turns out post-cogmap2 launch. I'm definitely going to have to play on both maps, because I enjoy both of them.

So for experience as far as game mechanics go, I would probably I have the most experience doctoring or being an AI. I love playing AI because of the unique cooperation between you and the crew. It also never gets boring due to players uploading creative laws or providing something for me to comment on.
Doctoring is bunches of fun because you don't really need to even disturb people. They normally come to you if they get hurt, especially on Destiny. I also sometimes get to see great gimmicks that I might not normally otherwise see because I go out and become a mobile paramedic.

I'm not that experienced with a few roles as much as I would like to be, and I plan on rectifying that sooner than later. For example, I always somewhat got the gist of QM from observing but I've never looked into the economics behind it such as how to maximize profit in such short amounts of time. Also, I'm starting to learn the networking system aboard the ship to help understand how everything is interconnected.

All in all, I'm a pretty rounded player knowledge-wise. I absolutely enjoy the community that surrounds this 2d spaceman simulator. I want to give back to the community that has helped and guided me while I was discovering this amazing game. The current mentors are great people that always can answer my (sometimes blindingly obvious) questions, and I hope that I can help guide new or old that decide to ask for advice.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): I was banned on Paradise for attempting to kill a vox? I'm not exactly sure what that is, but that's the reason that's listed. This ban occurred on 2014-11-01 and it was for 1 minute. However, it has never expired... something strange going on there.
I've been seeing you around for quite a while now, you seem like a fairly knowledgeable player. This a well written app, and I think you're a good candidate forpurple.
One more for the purple brigade.
Shitty Bill Jr. is a good player and would probably be a good mentor, in my opinion!
yes definitely

fun to play with and incredibly knowledgeable and helpful
Yeah he is a great player. I've never had a bad time with him either and I know he has some knowledge to help players. I vote yes.
A good guy to have around. I seem to remember him being more responsible than me for some reason. I mean, that's not hard at all, but still.

So yeah, cool dude. Purple is cool. Cool dude needs purple. My logic is peerless.

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