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Dying as 'Unknown'
if you die as an 'Unknown' your name for deadchat purposes should revert to either your original name or your key
Yeah, or if you you forcefully change someones UI/UE they should revert back. It gets tiring trying to keep track of who is who
On one hand the stuff said so far are good ideas.

On the other, it would spell the end of deadchats where 80% of the people talking are all named "unknown" or "cluwne" and no one can keep track of any conversation, which is hilarious.
Dachshundofdoom Wrote:On one hand the stuff said so far are good ideas.

On the other, it would spell the end of deadchats where 80% of the people talking are all named "unknown" or "cluwne" and no one can keep track of any conversation, which is hilarious.

honestly one of the better parts of this game
yeah its funny to watch unknowns trying to have a conversation with each other

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