08-08-2018, 04:14 PM
I was in a round where gangs were being discussed but couldn't stick around, so I wanted to create a thread for just talking about Gang mode in general. While you should certainly feel free to dump ideas in here, I want this to be more about how people feel it should work in the broader context of things.
With that, here's my personal feelings on it:
Gang in its current iteration has a lot of potential. Probably the most fun I've had with it recently was when I left to go to the bathroom and came back to find the round about 15 minutes in and myself as a Gang leader that hadn't done anything. I decided "Fuck it" and played it a bit weird.
Instead of being really public with my hideout choice, I spawned it in the Space Diner. Instead of announcing it's location, I personally found people and led them to it after talking with them for a bit. Instead of focusing on grabbing as much turf possible for points, we planned a raid of the station armory for maximum fun and danger. We ended up winning by a narrow margin to a gang about 3x as large as us, based solely on those points.
It was picking a strategy that evolved from the necessity of my situation, working closely with a competent team, and having a clear goal and plan that really made it for me.
With that, I think what will really help the game mode is playing to it's strengths: Teamwork, resourcefulness, and flexibility
If we can make the gangs more tightly knit and communicative, with evolving goals that play to different strengths beyond overwhelming numbers, I think it could be a lot more fun for everyone.
With that said, here's some mechanics I think could help:
With that, here's my personal feelings on it:
Gang in its current iteration has a lot of potential. Probably the most fun I've had with it recently was when I left to go to the bathroom and came back to find the round about 15 minutes in and myself as a Gang leader that hadn't done anything. I decided "Fuck it" and played it a bit weird.
Instead of being really public with my hideout choice, I spawned it in the Space Diner. Instead of announcing it's location, I personally found people and led them to it after talking with them for a bit. Instead of focusing on grabbing as much turf possible for points, we planned a raid of the station armory for maximum fun and danger. We ended up winning by a narrow margin to a gang about 3x as large as us, based solely on those points.
It was picking a strategy that evolved from the necessity of my situation, working closely with a competent team, and having a clear goal and plan that really made it for me.
With that, I think what will really help the game mode is playing to it's strengths: Teamwork, resourcefulness, and flexibility
If we can make the gangs more tightly knit and communicative, with evolving goals that play to different strengths beyond overwhelming numbers, I think it could be a lot more fun for everyone.
With that said, here's some mechanics I think could help:
- Similar to Spy mode, gangs would have a list of timed objectives that updates as the round progresses. This could involve having the most turf, the most guns, or the most drugs at any given time. Completing an objective could provide a specific reward that changes your gang's strategy for the next round of objectives
- Different gangs could have different innate strengths. On top of the rewards you could give specific gangs specific bonuses on points gained when trying to meet objectives like double the value on guns. There could also be passive bonuses on speed, defensive, or offensive capabilities that you get just for being in a specific gang. This gives people a reason to join one gang over another, and informs players on which objectives they should prioritize
- Additionally, turf control could play a larger factor in awarding bonuses. Maybe controlling medbay provides you with a passive healing, Or having control of the bar makes alcohol boost your stamina. This gives players more reasons to care about where they set up, and where they should focus their efforts in expanding or defending
- There should be more reasons for the non-antags to care about gangs without belonging to one. Maybe there could be a bonus to the department employees from having a gang presence there, such as increased income or access to supplies and materials you couldn't normally get.
- Having a built in consequence to prevent wanton destruction. One idea is a GTA style wanted meter that rises and falls with the severity and frequency of the crimes you commit as a gang member. It could do things like make stationwide announcements of gang activity in areas, name members, automatically set you to arrest and send Beepsky after you, put icons above their heads, track your movements, or even Spawn T.U.R.D.S NPCs to specifically target you