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Getting stuck in disposal pipes.
Can this not be a thing anymore?

Though it doesn't happen often some of the larger disposal rides the crew constructs could benefit from not getting stuck when pressure runs out and having to yell over the radio for some generous soul to release you...
You were probably just fat. God help any rotund crewmember who gets jammed in the pipes. All you can do is hope the chef flushes a pizza down for you at that point v

It takes a REALLY long ride for the pipes to lose suction. I've only ever lost suction in delibate disposal loops, and it still took quite a while. Though maybe once they depressurize a fit crewman could very slowly crawl their way around the pipes until they reach an exit?
This is actually a feature, there's only so much pressure in the system, after all. When You flush somethingone the system will repressurize.
If you're lucky, someone will pry the floor open and rescue your fat ass.
Yeah I figured it was the pressure thing...couldn't be my fat ass...

I've just been seeing a few disposals creations lately and remember hooking the mail system to disposals on donut so every disposal unit is a rollercoaster with a random destination and know that the current layout is prone to getting stuck if you do this...also the upcoming Cagmap2 seems larger and more prone to getting stuck.

I bet having limited pressure keeps lag and possible infinite pipe shenanegans in check so that's a good thing.

For quality of life for us disposal ride creators could we maybe get more initial pressure to work with?
Half the fun of disposal pipes is leading rescuers on games of marco polo!
All the fun of being Agustus in willy wonka, but none of the chocolate.
I wanna bump this and propose that being able to crawl through the pipes should be a thing.

It should still be loud, and you should still be able to get stuck occasionally (with the ability to free yourself after struggling a bit) and if anyone flushes anything you're going with it.

Monkeys could move quickly and more quietly through the pipes, giving changelings a good reason to go into lesser form
Make it so that people stuck in pipes cause the bang bang BANG BANG text and sounds that someone stuck in a locker creates. Mabye also make the pipe (and the floor tile above it) shake a little.

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