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Tactical invisible finger guns
they look like normal gloves, but they're actually INVISIBLE guns! if you point at something with them, you whisper "pew pew pew!" and fire at it! It could be used to short out electronics it hits temporarily, and have invisible "bullets" when used. Recharges like stun gloves.
Black gloves that secretly gave things more THROWFORCE would be nice. Suddenly, throwing someone at someone else would be deadly! This brick is a lethal weapon! How did this pen do 10 brute?
Hippy station has a thing where certain objects, like forks and glass shards can be embedded into people.

Gloves that let you throw items so hard that they have to be surgically removed sounds like an awesome idea.
atomic1fire Wrote:Hippy station has a thing where certain objects, like forks and glass shards can be embedded into people.

Gloves that let you throw items so hard that they have to be surgically removed sounds like an awesome idea.

the code for that originally came from baystation fun fact

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