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Tasers can revive dead people if you manage to get them out of crit- This takes a bunch of resources to do so i say

What even? :suicide:
Vunterslaush Wrote:What even? :suicide:

Okay let me explain better

I managed to find out that point blanking a dead corspe can revive them.If they are in critical conditions when they are revived they will just die again. So you need to heal them before you revive them which happens to take alot of resources to do so before you can revive them without their heart giving out

I also thing this should be a feature that Defibs should also do it too
pizzatiger Wrote:I also thing this should be a feature that Defibs should also do it too

Okay this would actually make sense were it to be a feature.
I suicided via screwdriver twice and with the help of a few brute patches and Erza's Magic Taser I was returned to entirely full health instantly. Lacking only the ability to fart, scream and flip.
Gannets Wrote:Lacking only the ability to fart, scream and flip.

A fate worse than death.
While I support some manner of small chance of defibrillation from taser bolts this is a [hitler]bug[/hitler] that has been fixed until some intentional mechanic is introduced.

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