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Sabotagable Sleepers
Nobody really uses sleepers much, but I think being able to rig them to kill people would be fun.

Some possible ideas

Throw a mousetrapped pipebomb inside, anyone who is laid inside the sleeper will trigger it.

use hacking tools (screw driver/multitools/etc) or alternatively an emag to produce undesirable (or desirable) effects.

e.g Cut a power wire to render it useless, or pulse it to give any operating medical doctor an electrical shock. Emag it to flood the sleeping person with toxin/suffication damage or something. Turning it into your own little death box. pulse a special wire to let it fill people with lsd or space drugs so they're high when they wake up. Maybe have some extra wires which either do nothing or just lock the sleeper/unlock the sleeper if you to lock someone inside.
Feel free to suggest alternate/better options.
atomic1fire Wrote:Nobody really uses sleepers much

That's the biggest problem I can see here. The only ones I really see used semi-regularly are the ones on the Escape Shuttle. Granted, if the Sleepers were used a bit more it would be pretty useful. Maybe some sort of Medical Traitor Item?
Is it really worth the coding effort to implement the ability to sabotage something that no one uses? For that matter, it's already trivial to sabotage both cryo and the cloner, and no one bothers to do either one.
I dunno, I like to fill the cloner with alcohol sometimes.

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