01-23-2015, 06:05 PM
Cross-posting from SA:
Basically, the gist is that by sacrificing some of your spell slots, you give the spells that you already have extra functionality, or make them better at what they do. Spending one spell point on Fireball gives you a useful tool to slow down small groups or fuck up one dude's day. Spending four points on fireball makes you go all-in, but allows you to clear a room with a single cast. It should be piss easy to code, because most of the upgrades just involved changing one or two variables. (Most, not all.)
Additional spell ideas:
Blind: First enhancement turns Blind into a small AoE centered on the caster, which blinds anyone within 1 tile. Each additional enhancement increases the radius of the spell.
Ice Beam: First enhancement doubles the amount of projectiles. Second enhancement makes the missile pop in an AoE when it hits. Third enhancement coats floors with Space Lube instead of Ice.
Warp: Each enhancement adds a 25% chance of Warp spawning a hostile mob in the location the person was warped away from.
Shocking Grasp: Each enhancement reduces the cooldown of Shocking Grasp but, also increases the charge time needed to activate it.
Knock: First two enhancements increase the range of knock substantially. Final enhancement makes knock emag everything in range.
Pandemonium: Each enhancement increases the list of things that can happen. x1: adds a chance to spawn a group of weak npcs x2: adds a chance to spawn a group of hostile mobs x3 adds a chance to spawn a group of hostile bees
Empower: First enhancement gives the wizard all beneficial melee mutations for the duration of the cast. Muscles, stamina boost, human SMES, etc. Second enhancement gives the wizard access to wrestling moves. Third enhancement gives the wizard access to Maecho moves.
Teleport: Each enhancement increases the cooldown of the spell. The first allows the wizard to target someone else with teleport. Second enhancement heals the wizman when he teleports. Third enhancement makes this spell automatically activate when the wizard drops into crit. (Wizard is effectively immortal unless you crusher him/debrain/bomb/etc. or he's stupid enough to run back to the station while it's still on cooldown)
Soulguard: Each enhancement gives the wizard an additional 100 health
Forcewall: The first enhancement allows you to dispel your forcewall at will. The second allows you to walk through your forcewall. The third makes your forcewall last permanently, until you dispel it. A wizard can only have one forcewall up at any time.
Animate Dead: The first enhancement lowers cooldown. The second enhancement causes you to also summon a chattering skull that makes skull puns whenever you skeletonize a body. The final enhancement causes everything within two tiles of the corpse you skeletonize to come to life (I.E. Anima effect)
Staff of Cthulu: First enhancement allows the staff to disguise you. Right-click the staff in your hand, and select a job choice to take on the appearance and voice of a randomized crew member. (I.E. anyone that sees you will see a randomized crew member, such as John Henks the Clown. Examining you will show your true self) Second enhancement will give an O2 toggle at the top of the screen while you're holding the staff, like if you were wearing an air tank and breath mask. It also makes you immune to the effects of space while holding the staff. Third enhancement allows the staff to hypnotize crew members for short periods of time. Bonk them on the head with your staff, and they become mindslaved for 30 to 60 seconds.
Those are my suggestions! With each, I tried to keep in mind that maximum enhancements should give you something good, since you're going all-in on your points. Therefore I tried to make each 4-crystal suggestion something worth putting all your eggs in, while not going too far and making it overpowered. (Maecho moves and mindslave staff might be a bit over the line, I dunno.) What do you guys think?
Captain Bravo post="440647155 Wrote:Spell Enhancement - by choosing multiple copies of a spell, the original spell is improved in some way.
Cluwne's Revenge - Each enhancement reduces spell cooldown by 20 seconds
Fireball - Each enhancement increases blast radius by 1 tile
Bull's Charge - Each enhancement adds 40 brute damage to anyone hit by the bull
Rathen's Secret - Each enhancement causes a chance of additional limbs to be removed (At x4 there is a chance for brains to be ejected, and cyborg heads to pop off)
Animate Golem - Each enhancement adds a 25% chance of an additional golem spawning per cast
Blink - Each enhancement makes Blink more precise (I.E. from a 1-7 tile jump, to 2-6, then 3-5, and at x4 every blink takes you exactly 4 tiles)
Doppelganger - Each enhancement makes your doppelgangers more dangerous (X2 turns doppelganger into an npc that attacks anyone nearby. x3 buffs it considerably. x4 spawns a pack of wizards)
Basically, the gist is that by sacrificing some of your spell slots, you give the spells that you already have extra functionality, or make them better at what they do. Spending one spell point on Fireball gives you a useful tool to slow down small groups or fuck up one dude's day. Spending four points on fireball makes you go all-in, but allows you to clear a room with a single cast. It should be piss easy to code, because most of the upgrades just involved changing one or two variables. (Most, not all.)
Additional spell ideas:
Blind: First enhancement turns Blind into a small AoE centered on the caster, which blinds anyone within 1 tile. Each additional enhancement increases the radius of the spell.
Ice Beam: First enhancement doubles the amount of projectiles. Second enhancement makes the missile pop in an AoE when it hits. Third enhancement coats floors with Space Lube instead of Ice.

Warp: Each enhancement adds a 25% chance of Warp spawning a hostile mob in the location the person was warped away from.
Shocking Grasp: Each enhancement reduces the cooldown of Shocking Grasp but, also increases the charge time needed to activate it.
Knock: First two enhancements increase the range of knock substantially. Final enhancement makes knock emag everything in range.
Pandemonium: Each enhancement increases the list of things that can happen. x1: adds a chance to spawn a group of weak npcs x2: adds a chance to spawn a group of hostile mobs x3 adds a chance to spawn a group of hostile bees
Empower: First enhancement gives the wizard all beneficial melee mutations for the duration of the cast. Muscles, stamina boost, human SMES, etc. Second enhancement gives the wizard access to wrestling moves. Third enhancement gives the wizard access to Maecho moves.
Teleport: Each enhancement increases the cooldown of the spell. The first allows the wizard to target someone else with teleport. Second enhancement heals the wizman when he teleports. Third enhancement makes this spell automatically activate when the wizard drops into crit. (Wizard is effectively immortal unless you crusher him/debrain/bomb/etc. or he's stupid enough to run back to the station while it's still on cooldown)
Soulguard: Each enhancement gives the wizard an additional 100 health
Forcewall: The first enhancement allows you to dispel your forcewall at will. The second allows you to walk through your forcewall. The third makes your forcewall last permanently, until you dispel it. A wizard can only have one forcewall up at any time.
Animate Dead: The first enhancement lowers cooldown. The second enhancement causes you to also summon a chattering skull that makes skull puns whenever you skeletonize a body. The final enhancement causes everything within two tiles of the corpse you skeletonize to come to life (I.E. Anima effect)
Staff of Cthulu: First enhancement allows the staff to disguise you. Right-click the staff in your hand, and select a job choice to take on the appearance and voice of a randomized crew member. (I.E. anyone that sees you will see a randomized crew member, such as John Henks the Clown. Examining you will show your true self) Second enhancement will give an O2 toggle at the top of the screen while you're holding the staff, like if you were wearing an air tank and breath mask. It also makes you immune to the effects of space while holding the staff. Third enhancement allows the staff to hypnotize crew members for short periods of time. Bonk them on the head with your staff, and they become mindslaved for 30 to 60 seconds.
Those are my suggestions! With each, I tried to keep in mind that maximum enhancements should give you something good, since you're going all-in on your points. Therefore I tried to make each 4-crystal suggestion something worth putting all your eggs in, while not going too far and making it overpowered. (Maecho moves and mindslave staff might be a bit over the line, I dunno.) What do you guys think?