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Metal Detectors
As the title says, i'm suggesting magical space metal detectors that detect things under the floor in a 3x3 square around you. This can be useful for finding floor crates, power sinks, and any secret stashes that are made.

You may be thinking "oh how can it detect things that aren't metal and not detect the metal station floor". My answer to you is Fuck off.

All in all, hiding space pirate treasure for others to find sounds like a fun idea, and it could lead to "find the chaos dunk kit" gimmicks where everyone gets a metal detector and there are various hidden crates hidden about the place.
So T-ray scanners.
Don't those only show wires or am i just dumb v
Pretty sure they show everything. They show pipes, drone beacons, and underfloor mechanics items, at least. Probably power sinks, but no one ever uses those and I wasn't aware they could be placed under the floor. Floor crates? Never heard of 'em

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