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Pipes and why i hate them. (and my solution i guess)
Pipes are fun and practical tools to make crazy machines and death-traps yet everytime i use them (i use them alot) i groan on the inside knowing the work i have to put into placing them. Seriously..Pipes are no fun to place and are a general time waster for everyone involved. I feel like i waste half my rounds placing them and by the time i finish my machine the round is over

My suggestion is to have an giant backpack that kinda looks like the proton pack ... n-pack.jpg
that you can wear on your back. When it's on your back you can click on it to have a pipe-gun pop into your hand that allows you pick your pipe and spend some time spraying pipe fluid on the ground building you pipe, Pipes include gas pipes and disposal pipes

My second suggestion (less important) is to make pipes not require the welder to secure but just the wrench, It makes sense reality wise but it's an hassale to have to keep pausing to re-fill your weilder
I always thought that a pushable machine that autolays pipes as you drag it around would be nice.
I've always wanted them to be crate-able and scoot-able. I only make loafers with them anyways, so I haven't needed much more.
Quote:<Pizzatiger> comment on this

I agree with the general idea of having a easier way to lay disposal pipes, i'd suggest adding something similar to the /tg/ RPED which allows people to easily dispense disposal pipes and equipment using a hand held device that requires matter cartridges or similar.

I don't like the idea of easy-to-place atmospherics pipes/or even allowing people to modify them due to the fact that there are so many exploits and edge cases you can abuse using it.
Yeah, this would be great. It's extremely tiresome to lay disposals pipes currently. It would be really !FUN! if you could repipe the engine. However like Erik said it would be really prone to abuse if the gas pipes could be placed too easily. Perhaps the gas pipe layer could be hidden in some far out telescience location to curb abuse a bit?
Additionally, before anyone writes any code for this: Don't make them work on Z2, or you'll have jerks breaking out of telescience locations.
(01-24-2016, 10:32 AM)ErikHanson Wrote: jerks breaking out of telescience locations.

Wouldn't they need to step onto/near the tiles they want to lay pipe, and would that prevent them from escaping?

I like the idea of making pipe construction more accessible.

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