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The Syndie Shuttle and a little something
So we filled the test chamber with water this round, or Arkire did, and put a shark in it.... why on Earth does the Syndie shuttle not have a shark tank?! Or the listening post... that would just be great
PIC [Image: rqxTHNU.png]
Put lasers on the sharks.
let us board sharks like pods
Where are the lasers attached to the shark's heads?
why aren't syndie pets a thing

let your laser shark zap anyone on the diving board, or let the pet ape Donk Kong run around throwing everything on the station
Not sure it's a pet so much as a bit of visual ambiance. A little flare for the villains lair! Cogmap 2... Syndies start in a volcano lair. *crosses fingers*
RandyArcher Wrote:Not sure it's a pet so much as a bit of visual ambiance. A little flare for the villains lair! Cogmap 2... Syndies start in a volcano lair. *crosses fingers*

I think on the old Mars station map (when it was its own server) the syndies actually did have their base in a volcano or mountainside. There wasn't any lava but still, points for effort.

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