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Since stuff is getting more and more explosive, to the point that it's possible to destroy most if not all of the test chamber, maybe moving it off station, like in a sweet asteroid wouldn't be a bad idea.
This handles the stupidity of testing bombs in the test chamber, which is done probably for good reason (like "I wonder what happens if") and it solves the problems of using bombs or any kinds of explosions on the station for science.
Maybe even give it a reset button so that when someone blows a hole in the bomb range, it can rebuild itself.
Also you could add cameras so that people can show off their sweet death smoke without killing anyone.
zeta station was always exploding or on fire, so perhaps a lesser version for scientists and members of the crew to visit via a space ship might not be bad, at least in terms of keeping the station from getting giant "huh, so that's what happens" holes.
I mean someone could just drill a hole in an unused asteroid and run away like heck, but the word "official bomb range" sounds cooler.
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You know Toxins has a VR bomb testing simulator, right?
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Crumplehat Wrote:You know Toxins has a VR bomb testing simulator, right? not all bombs can go in there; only tank transfer.
It's impossible to test your superhellflamethrower in it
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This idea pretty much came to me when I decided to see how much damage a block of mauxite mixed with weilding fluid in the arc smelter would do to the testing chamber.
It contained the damage for the most part but blew a hole in the floor.
I thought the test chamber was like indestructible or something. (it's not)
I got cloned and admin helped that I thought the room was bomb proofed, and later apologized for the hole in the floor (they were cool with that because the test chamber is for science). Turns out the test chamber wasn't Improvised bomb proof. It's contained but it's not going to leave the floor intact. And some of the walls will become girders if I recall correctly.
Anyway the point of this thread was to move the test chamber where science can be safely contained because sometimes the test chamber explodes.
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The test chamber is beat up most rounds and completely obliterated every once in a while. Nobody minds, really.
If you want to test something that can delete a huge area, you could grab a pod and dig a tunnel in some asteroid in the mining zlevel.
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Clarks Wrote:The test chamber is beat up most rounds and completely obliterated every once in a while. Nobody minds, really.
If you want to test something that can delete a huge area, you could grab a pod and dig a tunnel in some asteroid in the mining zlevel.
Actually not a bad idea, you'd be helping the miners inadvertently too (if anyone [no-one] cares)
Here's a really cool idea, easy to set up too. Put a miniputt in science dock (afaik science does not start with one), and put 1 power-pick on a rack with maybe a little unit of teperone on the rack too (not giving scientists spacesuits, give them a small 30 unit teperone bottle should suffice)
That'd encourage scientists to go out and test out their bombs in the asteroid field.
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BYOND Username: KikiMofo
Sundance Wrote:Clarks Wrote:The test chamber is beat up most rounds and completely obliterated every once in a while. Nobody minds, really.
If you want to test something that can delete a huge area, you could grab a pod and dig a tunnel in some asteroid in the mining zlevel.
Actually not a bad idea, you'd be helping the miners inadvertently too (if anyone [no-one] cares)
Here's a really cool idea, easy to set up too. Put a miniputt in science dock (afaik science does not start with one), and put 1 power-pick on a rack with maybe a little unit of teperone on the rack too (not giving scientists spacesuits, give them a small 30 unit teperone bottle should suffice)
That'd encourage scientists to go out and test out their bombs in the asteroid field. Well don't scientists already start with one space suit in the telescience area or am I just imagining that?
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KikiMofo Wrote:Sundance Wrote:Clarks Wrote:The test chamber is beat up most rounds and completely obliterated every once in a while. Nobody minds, really.
If you want to test something that can delete a huge area, you could grab a pod and dig a tunnel in some asteroid in the mining zlevel.
Actually not a bad idea, you'd be helping the miners inadvertently too (if anyone [no-one] cares)
Here's a really cool idea, easy to set up too. Put a miniputt in science dock (afaik science does not start with one), and put 1 power-pick on a rack with maybe a little unit of teperone on the rack too (not giving scientists spacesuits, give them a small 30 unit teperone bottle should suffice)
That'd encourage scientists to go out and test out their bombs in the asteroid field. Well don't scientists already start with one space suit in the telescience area or am I just imagining that?
You are.
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KikiMofo Wrote:Sundance Wrote:Clarks Wrote:The test chamber is beat up most rounds and completely obliterated every once in a while. Nobody minds, really.
If you want to test something that can delete a huge area, you could grab a pod and dig a tunnel in some asteroid in the mining zlevel.
Actually not a bad idea, you'd be helping the miners inadvertently too (if anyone [no-one] cares)
Here's a really cool idea, easy to set up too. Put a miniputt in science dock (afaik science does not start with one), and put 1 power-pick on a rack with maybe a little unit of teperone on the rack too (not giving scientists spacesuits, give them a small 30 unit teperone bottle should suffice)
That'd encourage scientists to go out and test out their bombs in the asteroid field. Well don't scientists already start with one space suit in the telescience area or am I just imagining that?
No honey we just always steal one as soon as we're able to.
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It would be neat if the VR testing equipment for Science was greatly expanded. Maybe a way to create virtual duplicates of artifacts, chemical filled beakers, and other items.
If not, a shuttle or 2-way teleporter that takes scientists to a mini research station in the mining z level might be neat.
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Frank_Stein Wrote:It would be neat if the VR testing equipment for Science was greatly expanded. Maybe a way to create virtual duplicates of artifacts, chemical filled beakers, and other items.
If not, a shuttle or 2-way teleporter that takes scientists to a mini research station in the mining z level might be neat. Bring back Zeta 2k14
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Here is an idea I've been wanting. The VR bomb; make it so you can set it off by yourself and not just fucking wait for it. Goddamn I hate waiting for that thing.