Violeta HOS Application
Usual character name: Kafka Wonder
BYOND username: Tonicolanches
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Violeta
Recommended by (if applicable):N/A
Goon servers you play: 3

Reason for application: I'm always anyway especially if it something i like. and for me The HOS does that too either by offering guidance to new and old officers  or  helping the crew in general. 

Security experience (300 word minimum):
My Security experience was a blast even from the start even if it was confused and a bit overwhelming i tried my best to learn the role and i think in the 5 months that i've played Sec officer/Assisant was the role that ressonated a lot with me.  Even if the shift was calm  or most of the times chaotic. Running around the station patroling for danger, ticketing people, speculation on  forensics on the radio and battling with antags alll put a smile on my face hell even when i died it it was the fact that people were  willing to teach me all their knowledge on the game made the experience in my early days lovely. 

although the image of security is of an officer that is going guns blazing on arresting someone i always tried to not become  this ''image'' that i had from officers i always tried to talk first see  how they responded and then act from there, since i always liked the oh NT sent us with batons, tasers, shields, riot launchers and flashes but i dont need to use it all the time which i really which  is nice to me. another thing that i always kept in my mind that was not to simply arrest or search someone because they simlpy didnt fit the ''code'' or were caught doing  i personally love antags and having them always in a jail cells or strip them at round start because you heard an arcfiend eating the main sec apc 3 minutes into a game makes the shift way less interesting that it is supposed to be although. Other thing that i was always happy to do in sec was dealing with people that have the Jailbird Trait seeing their different reactions always made things intriguing in their own way even if nothing l big was happening.

one more thing that i always liked while working was doing teamwork with other  sec assistants, officers, detectives and Head of security's  because it maybe its more like a personal thing but at least for me security's team work always felt so good. Getting multiple people on a case of murder, poisoning having the det help us with forensic its always   super fun Having everyone on comms talking about cases  being, being silly or just talking about things in general makes it for a very fun round too.

And i cant finish telling my experience without mentioning the person that  helped me the most when i was  starting on sec and had a lot of impact on how i play.  Ranni always was someone i looked upon since she basically taught me how to act and what to do while playing sec and i wish to thank you for everything that you taught me.

Answer two or more of the following:

    What advice would you give to other sec players?

    My advice for new players would be to not hold back on asking questions that you have even if you're reluctant  people are pretty  chill on answering whatever you ask. and please try to have fun while you're doing it.

What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)

I have a lot of them but my  favorite was when Security was trying to   fight salvagers in Oshan in the remains of an exploded main sec It was so cool seeing us use what we have while fighting with water right everywhere and still managing to win was such a good moment for me and pratically solidified my job for the role.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):


What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?

I always wanted to run a day where  we  have a type of teaching day on how to deal with each crime, dealing with contraband and seeing how Syndicate things work and how to deal with them in general.  One gimmick that i also really wanted to do was an halloween costume(especially since we in  the spooky month) where we all wear some kind of fantasy and go around although still wearing some security cloathes so people can recognize it

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): N/A
Note i actually missed my Character's name while doing this The usual Character name Is Kafka Wonder
I have not been able to see you play as a security officer. However, in a recent round I witnessed you offering an excessive amount of leniency to a traitor, ordering security not to arrest them for their Very Syndicate Hat. Yes, as HoS, you are expected to show mercy to the antagonists when appropriate. But this is in service of making the round more fun and interesting for all parties. A traitor sitting in front of their genetics console for 60 minutes in full Syndicate garb is not very engaging for them, security, or the rest of the crew.

While it is possible to go too far in the other direction, a happy medium does exist. If you want things to improve on, I suggest you work on being more comfortable making your own judgements when dealing with antagonists, rather than using rigid "but have they done anything yet" criteria.
Encountered Kafka plenty of times as an officer while as antag and as a fellow officer myself. Seems to have a great understanding of security work, fairness, and gimmick working in their role as an officer. I'd be glad to see them on the list.

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