Echo Carter / counterfeit borgo's Mentor App
Usual character name: Echo Carter / counterfeit borgo
BYOND username: AnomalousPotato
Discord username (if you are on our discord): anomalouspotato
Recommended by (if applicable): None
Goon servers you play: Mainly 4 and 3, occasionally 1

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):


Medical is definitely my favorite department, with Medical Director being my most played job on Goonstation. This was the first department I really got into, as it was a blast for me to both learn the intricacies of the medical system and to just help people out in a direct way. I know the ins and outs of the various combinations of chemicals, techniques, and tools you can use both inside and outside of medbay to keep someone alive, and I know both Echo and Counterfeit Borgo have taught more than a few new doctors the basics as well as tips and tricks to improve your doctoring. It's always fun when someone walks into medbay with an absurd list of chemicals in their bloodstream; waking up someone who by all rights should have died a dozen times is one of the best things you can do as a doctor. While healing is my preferred role in the medbay, I also have plenty of experience staring at a UI for 2 hours straight discovering and combining genes in genetics, as well as cobbling together borgs, robots, AI, and the crew's severed limbs as a roboticist.

This one's another favorite of mine, being a huge nerd and all. I've got a laundry list of notes about chemistry, telescience, guardbuddies, artsci, and toxins, which are always handy to have whenever someone asks about how to get offsets, activate a stubborn artifact, or make industrial quantities of meth. I'm familiar with all the devices in chemistry, artlab, and telesci, including the ChemiCompiler, alternate/chemical methods for activating artifacts, DWAINE telescience, as well as the Harmonic Siphon on Nadir. I can make nasty bombs in toxins, but I mostly play RP, and don't usually find blowing up half the station to be very engaging. Pressure crystals can be fun though!

I've put quite some time into this one lately! As both CE and engineer, I can set up all the engines, including TEG, singulo, reactor, and hotspots. I can run chamber burns, pipe burns, feeder setups, plate/lube the TEG, make bigulos, and properly line the reactor in bohrum irradiate the station for the sake of PTL output. I can say that I've taught people how to operate the various engine types, and how to optimize them. I don't spend a ton of time mining, but it is something I know how to do, along with matsci shenanigans. Unfortunately I have to say I don't have a lot of experience with hotspots, but I can definitely keep the station running, and it's something I'm willing to continue learning about in the future. I can operate QM, build mechcomp devices for power generation, utility, and shenanigans, as well as build, repair, and modify pretty much any structure on the station.

While I don't often play secoff, as my greatest combat skill is getting beaten with a fire extinguisher, I do like playing detective. It's fun to talk to people around the station and investigate crimes with my funny hat, especially in RP. Despite my non-robustness, I'm familiar with the various tools and equipment found throughout security and the armory, and when I do play security, I always try to keep it fun and interesting for the crew, and the antagonists as well.

Counterfeit borgo represent! I've played a lot as a cyborg and AI, and I'm familiar with the controls, shortcuts, and tools available to you as both. An experienced door opener can make any round far more interesting, both by knowing what you can do to work around your limitations, and by knowing when you shouldn't. I'm familiar with all the cyborg modules, and the ways to get around your severe lack of hands. Silicons can be a double edged sword, and their versatility combined with their weaknesses, restrictions, and laws make them some of the most interesting jobs on the station.

While I usually play the other departments, all of the civilian roles have their own perks and details. Bartender is my favorite here, but I'm familiar with chef, mailman, and janitor as well. I've also played around quite a bit with botany, and while I'm not an expert in biological warfare, I do know how to infuse, splice, tray-chemistry, and mutate the various plants. Rancher is here too, although I don't have much experience with it, I do know the basics of how to breed animals.

While command isn't really a department, I consider it to be a bit separate from the rest of the jobs. I've played as MD, RD, and CE quite a bit, especially MD. The director of a given department is (hopefully) knowledgeable in their given department, and can lead and help out the players in their department to improve the shift! Or devolve into total nonsense, both can be fun when done correctly smile 

Conclusion / Reason for wanting to become a mentor:
The reason I want to become a mentor is simple: I adore this game, and I love teaching people things that I'm passionate about. I'm always thrilled to see a trainee in my department, to the point where I'll often toss a gimmick or experiment that I had hoped to run to help them learn and try to give them a good experience as they learn something new. There's nothing more engaging or fun for me than helping other people learn about and hopefully enjoy this game as I have come to. It was apparent to me from day one that there's a community here that you rarely see elsewhere, and all the content in the world wouldn't make this game worth playing without it. Everything I learned in this game I learned because of the kindness of other people in the community, and I always try to give that back whenever I can. I'd love the opportunity to become a mentor, not just for my own benefit, but for everyone who is and is yet to be a part of this amazing game.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None that I know of!

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