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Disscussion about ABCU furniture
Topic : ABCU should add more furniture whitelist.
Reason : Right now ABCU is quite has few list of furniture that can make adding more list of it mean making more creative for player to make their own gimmick but still not effect gameplay much.
furniture should add :
- Claw hand machine 
- Slot machine 
- Piano / autoplay piano
- sand punching bag
- excercise machine 
- Arcade machine 
- washing machine 
- VR pod 
- Printing press
- Photo compiler
Reason all of this not quite effect any gameplay and some map this stuff not exit in station for example atlas and someone might want to make this gimmick stuff deserve to get all of this with low effort.
Floor tile / Place should add :
- The arena ring : for obvious reason make a place to 1 vs 1 any where.
- The pool : we need more pool party incase some people dont want to interupt public pool. 

Do you think it gonna be great ? and anything we want to get from ABCU?
This got me to look at the whitelist and the claw and slot machines are already there, but surprisingly disposals, buttons, mass drivers, conveyors, and even sleepers are on the whitelist.

Makes me think that getting mechcomp added to ACBU might be possible.
(08-21-2024, 10:38 AM)ju45he Wrote: This got me to look at the whitelist and the claw and slot machines are already there, but surprisingly disposals, buttons, mass drivers, conveyors, and even sleepers are on the whitelist.

Makes me think that getting mechcomp added to ACBU might be possible.

There was a thread discussing saveable mechcomp (through the ABCU or otherwise) recently!

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