Feedback CaptainBravo, Goon3 July 22 2024 02:30 ish UTC
Admin: CaptainBravo
Date + Time: 01:00 - 02:30 UTC (server time)
Synopsis: A ling antagonist had impersonated the captain and delayed the round via shuttle recall multiple times in a previous round. They mentioned in OOC during the server restart that they stopped because they were warned by the admins, and I responded more or less "I support you 100%". In hindsight I admit that this message may be easy to misinterpret. What I meant to communicate, and what I perhaps should have been more clear on, was that I felt some level of shuttle recall to achieve RP objectives while much of the crew was still alive and functioning made for good RP and made the round more enjoyable for me and those around me.  I felt the player was 100% acting in good faith even though the actions had broken the rules. I did NOT intend for my message to be interpreted as encouraging rulebreaking or disregard for admin opinions, only that my personal opinion was that the recalls by the ling made the round more interesting and enjoyable for me and the players around me.

Jan Antilles contacted me at the start of the next round and warned that this kind of open open support for warned actions was not a good idea, and we had a drawn out discussion about how the admins drew the line between regular antagonist behavior and griefing. The final conclusion was more or less "whether or not someone has broken the rules is not a democracy", and that I should voice my suggestions for more democratic input on the forums instead of openly taking sides in these conflicts. I felt this was a good solution, and agreed to do that instead.

After that I played through most of the next round, and suddenly was permabanned by CaptainBravo apparently "for having the worst takes imaginable" and "encouraging shitty behavior". This felt a little out of the blue since Jan Antilles and I had already had a pretty thorough discussion on what I assume was the one ooc comment I made. I would have understanded a temp ban here out of principle since I needed time to re-review the rules and voice my concerns on the forums instead like Jan Antilles suggested, but a permaban for voicing an opinion on IC behavior felt a bit harsh, especially since another admin seemed to have determined that this was a matter to talk about rather than immediately ban on. Furthermore, CaptainBravo warned me not to appeal the ban "for at least several years" and that any attempts to appeal before then would be ignored; this seems more or less a euphemism for "permaban without appeal".

I understand that some of my behavior on these servers has been in violation of the rules and in some cases the statements I have made may have been worded carelessly enough to be considered as encouraging rulebreaking. As a relatively new player I am still trying to learn how to provide encouragement and support to other players in a responsible way, and this is why I believe the suggestion to voice these concerns on the forums instead of a single hurried OOC message is so important.

This is not a ban appeal. I am simply concerned that permabanning people without chance for appeal for voicing opinions on what makes for enjoyable gameplay will make that gameplay less enjoyable.
Hi. Go away. You are one of the most annoying players we have ever had and we are tired of dealing with you.

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