Nathan Smith/Leaps Over Fire's HoS application 2
Hiya! It's been some time since I last applied and I feel I've matured much more. As such, I feel that it is time for me to get some more feedback! It's totally fine if I get denied. big grin
Usual character name: Leaps Over Fire/Nathan Smith
BYOND username: Goober1ne
Discord username (if you are on our discord): goober_one
Recommended by (if applicable): none!
Goon servers you play: 4, 3 rarely

Reason for application: I feel like it's about time that I applied again as I've matured a lot more. I've always looked up to a HoS as an upholder of peace, law, and order. I hope to provide a more enjoyable experience for all!

Security experience (300 word minimum): About 8 months ago, I started playing space station 13. I played bartender and scientist mostly, and I decided to try Security Assistant. I fell in love with the role, later moving to security officer and sometimes the detective. I try to uphold gimmicks for everyone while keeping the game fun for others, alongside trying to be a voice of reason. Sometimes I do over-prepare for things and this is certainly a mistake I've made many times sad greater domestic space-bee . I try to be friendly with other security players, especially new ones. I try to keep brig sentences reasonable and interrogations fun for antags when possible without letting them roam free all the time with their gear. I've always wanted to teach newbies better and understand what I've done wrong over the years and feedback here would be very helpful! I've always tried (keyword: tried) to be reasonable and attempt some fair and balanced negotiations and combat between antagonists and the station. I don't think I'm fit for HoS just yet, but the feedback here will help me improve and become a better security player! Further off, I've had many fun experiences with lots of good and experienced security players. As much as I make many mistakes and are likely not suited for the HoS role, I've never truly seen anything but constructive criticism out of many and I try to learn, adapt, and become a better and more comfortable person to work with! Many a time, I've looked up to the HoS with their berets in red and their wonderful cape with their wonderful leadership and friendly communication. I have had some past issues with self-promotion, but I'm getting past those I believe! I've always been a bar-dwelling officer when I can as it adds a lot of roleplay dynamic. I try to not play security as if it's a game you win or lose- it's all about the fun factor! I wouldn't purposefully try to lose; but it's not particularly an issue with you if you do end up losing! I'm certainly not robust but maybe one day I'll join the ranks. I've always tried to communicate with my team- it makes it more fun for everyone! And remember: try the unexpected. Who knows? Maybe it'll work out!

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
     Ooh, this one's fun! - What advice would you give to other sec players? - 

Alright. So. First off, never ever EVER try to keep your team in the dark intentionally! It's never fun. Second off. Try to be fair with sentences and punishments. Never fun for the antagonist to just... be permabrigged for a minor crime. Then, there's DON'T METAGAME! Metagaming is scummy as hell and I highly advise you do NOT utilize it ever. It's not fun for both your team and the antagonists. Also- Don't play security as a game to "win" or "lose". You'll fall into a trap. It ends up spiralling you into going "I'm a bad officer because I "lost"..." 

- What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players? - 

Ooh. First off, a more sophisticated loadout system! Allowing for a more swappable playstyle alongside new taser variants would provide a lot of fun value- Imagine having a taser rifle that fires rather slowly, but is accurate and the bolt moves fast? Or maybe a snubnose taser that can be concealed in a pocket for going undercover! Maybe imagine a taser grenade- one use for 2 utility credits, but when it lands it releases a few taser shots in different directions! Second off, more outfit choices in the Secdrobe. Maybe more guard outfits in stock, or adding nanotrasen berets. It'd add a lot of customization for your character and playstyle. Maybe you want to be pronounced, or maybe you want to be less conspicuous? Plenty of new options for all types of people!

-Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer-

This one's interesting. As a team, I always try to be a cog in the machine- not a lone wolf! Follow orders, work in conjunction with your fellow officers, and never try to put the whole team on my shoulders. We can all hold each other up if we make a foundation to work off of. Alone however is a different story! If I'm alone, I try to avoid the most minor of crimes- for example underage drinking might go off fine to allow myself to work on more serious possible crimes. If there's no hostile activity, fines and tickets will be issued to minor lawbreakers as usual.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
  • Draw a picture.
    Ooh. A security gimmick, eh? I've always wanted to run an undercover officer. I would always in an undercover situation try to be fair and gather enough evidence and forensics to get a true lead on someone before I detain someone. I never try to be TOO inconspicuous- I want an antagonist to have at least a minor suspicion so they have a chance to act!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): 2 bans: 1 requested for breaking a minor rule when I was less mature, multiple adminhelps and warnings about minor issues. Thanks for any feedback! I expect this to get denied, so be brutally honest in your opinions!
I must add- during tides I'm often not active as security. I'm not a "I'm going to handle 40 people and 4 antagonists" sorta guy. I'm usually active on goon4 where there tends to be 20-30 people. Considering we're currently undergoing a tide, I haven't been too active as security.
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 9/18/24. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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