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Artifact sale price buff, yay or meh?
Right now most correctly ID-ed artifact are worth around 200-500 credits, a bunch are around 2000, and a few jackpots are around 6000.
[Image: goc9ZJg.png]

IMO it feels bad that the bulky artifact you spent a chunk of time working on only sells for a fraction of the credits you start with in your pocket.
For scale, they cost 1000 to 3000 to buy from vuudrak. Bullions, which aren't that rare, are worth about 10 000 when they aren't hot.
From a QM standpoint, I don't think it's good that most are worthless, a handful break even, and the very few that actually are hits are merely 2x-6x their buy value.
And speaking of jackpots, wish-granters, which sells for 6000, give millions of credits on their own...
Making IDed artifacts desirable to cargo, and not the money sink it kind of is right now, would also encourage interdepartmental cooperation. Having the QM eager to get IDed artifacts back is better than having them not want to waste credits buying artifacts from vuudrak.

So what change would be good, a 5x buff? 10x? Changing the curve?

Here's a list of artifacts with their rarity property and the market value that translates to
I think the price of artifact should be like contract reward which around 1000-10000 .
By the way seem like research department almost of it is not get much any reward back.for example
chemical can’t sell for QM except we have contract which is uncommon.
artifact lab not get enough money to reward after success research.
Toxin lab can make great money but people try to not use it since it take time/mostly antag stuff.
Guardbuddy lab was. Can’t get any profit to department and rarely use.
Most of work in research department has very benefit for station however the reward back to their department quite low in my opinion.
In my opinion... it's fine for a artifact to lose value when identified.

You see this large imposing object that could destroy worlds and give untold riches to only learn.. It's a lamp.... 150 credits.
But when it's something big you either keep it or sell it for 200k.

Some could be buffed but others I dont care..

If anything. I want to see a "Collector" merchant on QM who collects specific artifacts or artifacts with effects for high prices.
I made a post on this a few months ago and would agree with a price buff personally, but I know not many players have any issues with the current pricing. It'd be nice to just see research as a whole be more rewarding, but especially ArtSci.
For personal gains? Meh. I think the money you get is fine as is. You usually have a lot of artifact and the money get divided among the science crew.

For cargo? I find it odd that the money you get in the cargo budget is the same as the one an invidual scientist got. Maybe buff it for cargo budget but not individual credit.

Also, I think if there are a less number of sci onboard, you should get paid more for artifact. It make sense if every scientist will get artifact money even if they don't do artifact. Less people, less divide

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