02-03-2024, 09:41 PM

lorewise as part of the borging process i imagine you gotta get a lot of hardware in the borgs brain. but what if NT put in a fancy new piece of advanced tech as a standard part of the brain borging process? introducing: a shitty soundboard! (not actual sound effects, just text)
if the last body a brain was in was a borg, then when removed, that ghost gets a "play voice sound effect" power. this pulls up a menu similar to the ouija board menu, but with specific NT approved words that will make your brain say them. the collection of words is tailored specifically to not actually help with telling people what happened to you, but just to ask for help getting a new body, words to tell new roboticists what part they need, to express emotions, or other funny stuff. specifically one funny idea i had was that theres no swear words, but theres "DARN", "SHUCKS", "HECK", "I LOVE NANOTRASEN" etc.
im not sure how annoying this would be to code cauze im not a programmer, but its just idea ! hope its not a bad one!