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Considering there are a lot of chemicals already availible in the game. This might be a bad idea and a bit overboard.

But because botany could be kinda fun for chemistry stuff, why not add Poppy in the game.

Poppy seed muffins could be a food thing somehow. e.g extract poppy seed oil from poppy seeds?

Morphine could be extracted from poppy somehow, also opium (but I don't know if heroin is a good idea)

Also with the drug den someone suggested in another thread, using botany as a drug growing operation like during a gang round could be pretty funny.
I suggested this before, but was told that morphine is a mutation from venne.
That said I would like to see botany as the kingpin for certain types of drug making, perhaps having more substances like melonium unique specifically to botany. Heroin, chemistry wise is very similar to morphine. So if poppy seeds would extract morhpine, and doing some hobo chemistry turns it into Heroin. Maybe name it something similar to crank to take away from the fact that it's actually a horrible substance, like smack. SMACK AND CRANK FOR SALE. CRANK IT UP AND SMACK IT OUT.
Also, what effects? Should have the same effects as Krok, but not fleshmelting, highly addictive, but gives the user some health buffs like not going into shock and recovering from crit to boderline crit so suffocation/brain damage doesn't occur. mmmaaakkkeeess yooouuu taaallllkkk lliiiikkke tthiiisss.
i would love a new item that is unique to hydroponics.......It would make it so that it lessens the huge gap between chemistry and hydroponics....i alway saw that hydroponics as a weaker chemistry that alot weaker and ALOT more chancy (and it in solid form).
I understand that having alien plants that make medicine isn't horrible, but having a miracle cash crop botany can use for all sorts of science themselves could be neat.

Overall the inclusion of more plants that have medical properties/drug properties would not be bad from a gameplay standpoint if someone wants to do hobo chemistry/become a botany pharmacist etc.

I think the inclusion of the Willow Tree as a way to get Salicylic acid (willow bark apparently contains part of asprin so there's that) and wood for building barriers (a way to make paper from wood could probably be added but it sounds like one of those things that would be pointless except for gimmicks) I doubt anyone would use it but giving botany a edge in the "Guess all the things we can make" department would be fun at least for a while. Considering barman can drug everybody now, and scientists have an entire department to themselves.

Also wood as a byproduct of willow trees would probably be another way to fuel the engine, though not anywhere near as efficient or logical.

Anyway I think botany could use some extra drug things.
[quote="atomic1fire"(a way to make paper from wood could probably be added but it sounds like one of those things that would be pointless except for gimmicks)[/quote]
Not pointless because then botany wouldn't have to steal paper from the chapel anymore to make their joints.

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