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Make flashbangs affect borgs
Normal flashes affect and stun borgs, but hootingium + flash powder doesn't affect them at all for some reason. There's nothing to stop them from repeatedly mixing this in syringes to stunlock someone very easily and it's kind of lame right now - I've watched borgs take people down really trivially this way. Maybe just make the chem version affect borgs in the same way that a handheld flash would?
I'm a fairly regular borg player and I support this. Mediborgs and Chemistry borgs can take down just about anything on very short notice with ease if they use flashbang mixes, to the point that I've seen some players describe them as de facto security borgs.
Making it affect cyborgs wouldn't entirely remove the option but it would mean that they have to disable themselves at the same time to do it, hopefully cutting down on the amount of crowded rooms being stunlocked to murder one non-human at the drop of a hat. Regular flashbangs working would also give security another safer option for dealing with a cyborg toting deadly smoke or foam.
As a rouge cyborg who has used this method before I agree. Flashpowder should have the same effect (if not more) on borgs.
supporting this.
Please GOD make this happen, it has only gotten worse since it was brought up here. So awful.
If I hear BANG BANG BANG BANG somewhere on the station I know it's a dumb borg spamming flash powder ughhh.
Will do, sometime soon.
Cogwerks Wrote:Will do, sometime soon.
Cogmin is bestmin.

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