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Wraith Animate Hats
I'm Clifford and welcome to my TED talk.
You know what would raise the scale of terror in Wraith rounds? Using Animate Object on a person and making their hat evil!

Possible Benefits
  • No hat is safe anymore
  • Wraith power move
  • Instills fear and respect
  • Mass confusion
  • Betrayed by your best friend in clothing articles

Possible Downsides
  • Become drunk with power
  • Haunt in public to flex even more
  • Complain in dead chat
  • Ragequit

Making the hat fly off and attack their previous owner is the intended interaction, although making the hat stay on their head and bite them would be incredible. Can you imagine animated clothes choking you, tripping you, or making you move in random directions? Maybe that's a little too much to balance, but it's definitely a fun idea. Kudos to Kotlol for suggesting these ideas and spicing up the idea further.
(05-15-2022, 05:22 AM)Kamikaze Mongoose Wrote: I'm Clifford and welcome to my TED talk.
You know what would raise the scale of terror in Wraith rounds? Using Animate Object on a person and making their hat evil!

Possible Benefits
  • No hat is safe anymore
  • Wraith power move
  • Instills fear and respect
  • Mass confusion
  • Betrayed by your best friend in clothing articles

Possible Downsides
  • Become drunk with power
  • Haunt in public to flex even more
  • Complain in dead chat
  • Ragequit

While fun.. What defines as a hat? If you say top headgear... welp I can see wraiths targeting miners from now on. Cause their headgear they need to survive to cold of space is now targetable.

If not.. what else counts? 
How does it work? Are you moving the person with a hat or does the hat fly off and get haunted?

In my opinion... I don't think this should be a thing.
Top headgear seems like the obvious answer to the first question. I would only see confusion for items such as the welding mask that sits on top of your head when you toggle it up, so it ought to be pretty easy to define in most cases. Until we can find a way to animate objects on people to attack them, I imagine it would make the hat fly off and act like normal animated objects do. I'll have to update that to make it more clear, I didn't think about breaking it down that way.

Targeting people with space helmets on makes it even funnier.

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