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i do not think the cryoxadone change is good, or needed
I do not believe that the main purpose of this was to nerf cryopods (although I am not 100% sure), but to nerf cryopills, which are admittedly too strong. This can be done in other ways however, that does not effect medical, such as warcs suggestion of having cryos and cryox mix together into another chemical.
here is a change suggestion that keeps in spirit of magical healing tube while throwing some wrenches into an instant-use pill cure-all.

* cyroxadone now cools you down much more at higher body temperatures, and much, much less at colder body temperatures
* the amount of burn healing scales with the change cyrox induces in body temperature
* brute healing only occurs at low body temperatures
* brute healing scales up moderately as the body nears cyrox’s temperature
* cyro tubes administer cyrox into patients, cooling them down
* the cooler in medical becomes a specially named ‘carbon thermo-regulator’ that *heats up* patients in the tube to a set temperature; medical still gets to tune how aggressive they heal at the cost of power/plasma.
* cyrox acts as an anti-rot agent, in part to keep it the OH SHIT medical solution.
* changes to brute/burn healing are independent from tox/oxy/brain/organ healing changes. those can be wrenched separately.

medical gets to keep a mostly set-and-forget for on-station injuries. it will heal a chunk of burn, then ramp up brute healing. However, it cannot deal well with space/cold burn damage. I think there is an intuition that a medicine that makes you colder doesn’t really help cold burns / frostbite; you have to warm the body up first. If a player doesn’t know the mechanic, the tubes do heal brute quick and the thermo-regulator will slowly heal burn damage. If someone dies inside they’re preserved for med to clone as a backstop.

Instead of making medical take on the complexity micro-managing patient body temp, now players have to manage their own body temperature to ensure tube healing is effective. I would hope it would lead to more interactions with botany/chef on wanting spicy foods, HVAC unit requests, and maybe even using the sauna to recover post cold-tank.

this would also significantly change engineering and medical interactions when dealing with engine heat. now cyrox is really good at recovering from engine fire damage, giving a potential break to mass sulfadine/burn-mender application. i might suggest a new heat stroke disease if a change like this turns out to too easy to chug in the engine/stand in plasmafire for extended periods.

as a pill, it can still work in a pinch as a cure-me, but its effectiveness based on body temp makes it change in what it’s doing the more you rely on it. making a double-cold pill is still good for brute damage, but it kneecaps the amount of burn healing.

i mean, dream big if we’re reworking it anyway, right?
Wouldn't they just use pyros and cryox then
Hm, fair point; maybe the magical hot liquid and magical cold liquid should neutralize or break-down each other? You could still yo-yo your body temperature to heal all damage types, but now you have to plan for it, wait for depletion rates, and it takes more precision to get the healing type you want.
Honestly I wonder at this point why we don't just make the cryopods independent of reagents entirely and just have it consume cryox and cold gas and then manually heal whatever you set the tube to heal without relying on the reagent effect to do anything

Could even have a tgui panel with dials to set the ratios and a shared total max of X points per tick

Then we could balance cryox outside of the tube separately

Also the main balancing power of the cryo pill wasn't the movement slow, it was the fact that you needed to stay still inside the ice cube for the entire duration and people could interrupt the healing by kicking you out of it. I personally didn't mind it existing except i wanted to make it not work in combat
(03-08-2022, 10:49 AM)UrsulaMejor Wrote: Honestly I wonder at this point why we don't just make the cryopods independent of reagents entirely and just have it consume cryox and cold gas and then manually heal whatever you set the tube to heal without relying on the reagent effect to do anything

Could even have a tgui panel with dials to set the ratios and a shared total max of X points per tick

Then we could balance cryox outside of the tube separately

"overhaul cryo into having a tgui where you just set the temp on the thing itself"

I literally had this exact idea last night. I think it's a good way forward if I have any say in it.
revert this change and make it so that cryoxadone only does its healing if you're inside a tube or ice cube, "problem" solved

if this even was a problem
whatever, reverted this for now because i have neither the time nor energy to deal with a litany of complaints at the moment

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