Mentor App - Hans (Colossusqw)
Usual character name: Hans Mann, Sandro Mann and Mannequin 322
BYOND username: colossusqw
Discord username (if you are on our discord): colossusqw
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: Bombini, Morty and Sylvester

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
I enjoy playing the game a lot, and over the 1500 rounds I've played i think i learned a couple of things, I've played science the most, but i also have some general knowledge of most roles and a lot of security and civilian department experience as well. When first starting the game, the different ways in which the controls and systems work had confused me and took some wiki reading, trial and error, and a lot of asking around to figure out, but as time passed and i began to understand how everything worked i realized i also enjoyed teaching other people about the ways in which everything functioned, namely teaching chemistry to new scientists and occasionally some secoffs why holding the baton upside down might be a bad idea. I have also had a lot of antagonist experiences and learned some of the ways in which they work, and try to keep interactions fun to everyone whether I am the antag or I'm confronting them.
I don't think any other game has pulled me into it the same way SS13 has ever done. I don't recall making forum posts or being active on any discord community the way I've been with goon, and i really appreciate the people I have met and made friends with, and i think an important part of this has been the example of good behavior and the help given by the mentors, and I'd like to contribute to that myself. The sheer amount of content in the game is fantastic, and its something i dreamed of seeing as a kid, but didn't think was possible, and yet here it is in all its complicated glory. Overall, i think i would have the knowledge necessary to help with the mentorhelps I'm comfortable with, and the will to acquire more knowledge to expand what kind of question I'm comfortable with answering. I am also willing to keep to the standard of behavior expected of mentors as a role for new players.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

I was banned twice, once on account at firing at medbay as captain when i was first staring playing(3 days i believe) and another for not RPing as a traitor(1 day i believe)
Well, whenever I met Hans in game they seemed to be a knowledgeable and fun person to be around. And similar with your other characters. I think you'd make a good fit to mentor. +1.
Absolutely wonderful player to rp with, they really go the extra mile for whatever they're doing. From teaching the people around them, to involving as many people as possible with their gimmicks, to giving control to a hivemind member, they make the world a cooler place. +1
I was around for that not RP traitor round it left a bad first impression. HOWEVER since that round Hans has consistently shown they are all about making the round more enjoyable for all involved, go above and beyond on teaching chemistry at a pretty advanced level, my bit of advice is try to start tackling the more mystic arts of themodynamic engineering. I have a feeling they would be an excellent resource to teach that department with a bit of hard time there, since they latch onto the more esoteric stuff in the game quite well. All said big +1
Hey, can i change the title of this app to "Mentor App - Hans", i don't think many people know me for this nickname, even on discord people tend to use just Hans so i think it'd be better. Thanks if you can and i understand if you don't smile.
Hans has consistently shown that he is a great member of the community. He is fun to interact with, has a lot of knowledge and good ideas. For example, lately he has been doing zombie RP which I find hilarious. Also the scorpion critter he added are very cool (And insanely robust). He has good experience at being a RP antag, and I think he could help some of the newer people learn what antagging on RP is about. +1
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to some concerns around Discord conduct. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be May 5. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep being a friendly and welcoming member of the community!

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