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HukHukHuk sans shit on LLJK1 around 2 AM on September 4
Having joined five minutes into the round as a roboticist, I had the HoP add genetics to my ID and got him to establish a research budget, which hadn't happened up to that point. On going down to genetics, I found myself promptly locked into a scanner by the geneticists already present. After maybe five minutes of refusing to let me out, my adminhelp was answered and I ran off. A few minutes later, I noticed someone questioning the geneticists about what they'd done as I was running by, and ran down to talk through the window about what'd been done to me. I assumed this was just a security officer questioning someone who'd done wrong; apparently, though, it was HukHukHuk doing ~investigatin~. I had no way of knowing this. As far as I knew, as I would subsequently mention to HHH multiple times, it was just some sec dude interviewing the people who'd locked me in a goddamn scanner.

Huk's first response was to teleport me to prison for a few seconds, then to teleport me to arrivals. A few minutes later he then teleported me to the lava moon with the person who'd locked me in the scanner, informing us that we were both shit and that if either of us died trying to escape from the lava moon we'd both be banned. We ended up dying together, romantically, in an airlock. As soon as I'd died I said that I thought that'd been a great conflict resolution strategy. Huk informed me that maybe I wouldn't be such shit if more people used that strategy. I took fucking offense at being called shit for complaining about being locked in a genetics scanner after having been genetics-friendly and attempting to present my side when that locking was being investigated by what, as far as I could tell, was just some member of sec. Huk told me repeatedly what shit I was for wanting to do that and how shittacular I am for not magically recognizing that the random bit he was investigating on was him investigating. The bit was not named "HukHukHuk." It was just some random dude. But my telling that random dude what'd happened when I heard him asking the people who'd locked me in what'd happened? That was my interfering with his adminvestigation. Which I didn't know was going on. Because he was just on some random player bit.

tl;dr: after being mildly griefed I apparently "interfered with an admin investigation" that I had no way to know was an admin investigation, and was then told repeatedly after death that I was shit for having done so after expressing positive feels for the teamwork exercise that admin had assigned. and now have an 1440-minute ban for being sarcastic over being told over and over that I was shit for not knowing HukHukHuk was admin-vestigating from some character bit that just looked like any random nosy stranger.
Please provide relevant information like what your key is, and if you've saved them, logs.
sadly, no, that's not the whole thing. you missed all the parts where he was just insulting me and the parts where I was talking about how much I liked his punishment of sending us to the lava moon, which was totally genuine, it was fucking great.

my key is harkdachter, thought it was attached to this account.
I feel like I should add that the one time I locked a non-traitor in a modifier (he had knowing let the traitor captain I'd locked in the modifier out which resulted in that captain e-sabering me, I thought maybe I'd make him fat and blind to reward his efforts) he was forcereleased and I was admin-ordered to fucking apologize to the dude. Who'd freed a traitor and gotten me sworded. So that was kind of the experience of genetics modifier lock adminhelp I was anticipating.
Ok here's what happened, I told him I would handle it, so I spawned in, let him out of the case, and of course they start arguing. Things were getting heated between Beth and Peter so I teleport him out. He immediately runs back in while I'm trying to tell the geneticists why what they did was wrong. He immediately starts talking massive shit, saying a bunch of unneeded things, and generally being a complete douchebag. Afterwards I decide to send them to the moon, and force the two people to work together. After they die, Peter keeps talking in deadchat, and honestly I kept telling him to stop, but he kept going to the point where I gave him a dayban for being completely annoying. I repeatedly told you several times to stop bringing it up, and that nothing further was going to happen. I even turned off deadchat once, and you kept on going. You wouldn't stop, so I stopped you.

Edit: you seem to left out the part where you came back into genetics, waving around your blue toolbox and being a complete douchebag. I even explicitly mentioned this as why I was angry with you, but you decided to leave out that part. I kept telling you that was why I wanted you to shut up, because you were being an insufferable asshole. You wouldn't stop, so I daybanned you.
You weren't "asking me to stop." I believe your words were on the lines of "If people did this to you more often maybe you wouldn't be a complete shit," something like that? And plenty more in that vein? When I was telling you that I LIKED what you'd done? Please. You don't get to be hilariously childish and insulting and then go "OKAY BUT WE'RE DONE TALKING NOW."
You didn't take the hint when I turned off deadchat for a few minutes. You didn't take the hint when everyone else told you to drop it. But I guess I was a bit overly hostile, 99% of the people I end up dealing with are horrible shitlords, and if you honestly liked that, I guess I'm sorry. But I was really pissed off the first thing you came back to do was gloat about how you were helped and how badly genetics deserved to be punished. And you were extremely terrible for doing that, as long as you acknowledge this, I'm cool.

tl;dr I honestly thought you were being sarcastic, but even if you liked that creative punishment, repeat sightings of you running in to lord over the people being administrated on will lead to normal punishments. My point was, you said you'd keep messing with people if you kept getting punished that way, and that wont fly.

no I didn't. I said I WOULDN'T fight with people on the internet as much if I were punished that way. because I enjoyed it, you fucking shit. because it was a good fucking idea. because it's a good fucking way to make two people who are fighting stop fighting. which is exactly what it did, and exactly what I said.

I, on the other hand, had absolutely no way to know the random stranger investigating what was going on in genetics was you. as I said to you multiple times on that evening, if I recall, and you just kind of kept talking as if somehow I should've magically known it was you. of course, if it WEREN'T you, then it was just some random guy talking to genetics about the shit they'd just pulled, and I really wouldn't want the people who'd just locked me in a scanner for five minutes being the only ones representing what'd happened.

so what you had was direct words directly spoken at you that you apparently interpreted as exactly the opposite of what they were, and what I had was no information. and I was the one in the wrong!

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